810 Diesel engine system design
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into the system design process. Related references about combustion noise
prediction can be found in Corcione et al. (2003) and Scarpati et al. (2007).
Note that a cylinder pressure decomposition technique (i.e., decomposing the
total in-cylinder pressure signal to the compression-expansion, combustion,
and resonance pressures) may also be considered to predict the combustion
noise (Siano and Bozza, 2009).
The methodologies and the models of the level-2 piston noise and valvetrain
noise models are described in Sections 11.5 and 11.6. It should be noted that,
unlike the combustion noise, it is difcult to separate/measure the piston slap
noise and the valvetrain noise in engine experiments due to the difculty
of measuring the impact events. Simulation in the virtual world plays a key
role in these NVH areas.
Overall engine noise synthesis is an important part of system NVH analysis.
The synthesis refers to the following (Fig. 11.4): (1) the sound-pressure-level
synthesis by combining all the noises from different sources to predict the
overall noise level; (2) the frequency-domain synthesis analysis for sound
quality; (3) the sensitivity comparison of any design/operation changes
between different subsystems (i.e., different sources of noise) to balance/
coordinate at a system level to address the most important issues; and (4) the
synthesis of transient noises in the time domain. In the synthesis analysis of
the overall engine noise from the noises of each source (combustion, piston
slap, valvetrain, etc.), the results depend on which noise is dominant. For
Individual virtual noise variation (sound pressure level, dB)
Overall noise level (SPL, dB)
Piston slap noise
Piston slap noise
Combustion noise
sensitivity at 2000 rpm
Combustion noise
sensitivity at 1000 rpm
Baseline overall
noise at 2000 rpm
Baseline overall
noise at 1000 rpm
11.4 Concept of diesel engine NVH system synthesis analysis.
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811Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) in engine system design
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example, the combustion noise is dominant in naturally aspirated diesel
engines, and sometimes the combustion noise is only 1–2 dB lower than the
overall noise. However, at some conditions the combustion noise level can
be well below the overall noise in a turbocharged diesel engine, bearing little
effect on the overall noise. In the synthesis analysis, not only the difference
between the overall noise level and each component noise level (i.e., the
contribution) is important, the slope (larger or less than 1) and the shape
(linear or nonlinear) of the sensitivity curve of each individual noise source
are also important and informative for system design.
Useful references on system-level powertrain NVH analysis about the
cranktrain, the valvetrain, and the engine block are provided by Stout (1997,
1999 and 2001), Stout et al. (2007), and Morel et al. (2003).
11.12.3 Level-3 system NVH model
The level-3 system NVH model predicts the structural attenuation, the
transfer function, and the noise radiation with FEA and/or BEM. It does
not have real-time capability. It tends to be used in a system synthesis stage
to assemble the critical component models together, or used at a detailed
component design level. The primary focus of engine system design is to
produce system specications in the early stage of the design. Therefore, the
sophisticated level-3 model is not the primary focus in system design.
References for the level-3 models of powertrain dynamics and structural
noise radiation include Moulin (2003), Payer and Platnick (1998), Priebsch
and Krasser (1998), Schneider et al. (2002), Hayes and Quantz (1982),
Loibnegger et al. (1997), Sung et al. (1997), Seybert et al. (1997), and
Richardson and Riding (1997).
11.13 References and bibliography
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