487Combustion, emissions, and calibration for system design
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
7.4.4 Phenomenological approach
A typical traditional phenomenological combustion and emissions model is
the diesel jet model developed from Cummins, Inc. The model simulates the
mixing rate of fuel spray and air, and calculates the local gas temperature,
the air–fuel ratio and the combustion in each zone of spray so that the
computed in-cylinder gas properties vary with both space and time. The
advantages of such a model include the fact that some combustion physics
and chemistry are built into the model. In addition, with proper tuning the
model has limited predictability on the heat release rate and the NO
. The
disadvantages include the following:
∑ many simplied assumptions concerning spray penetration, turbulence,
swirl, heat transfer, vapor concentration distribution, wall impingement,
ame propagation, combustion, and emissions formation
∑ the practical difculty of obtaining in-cylinder experimental data to
justify or calibrate each sub-model for industry use
∑ many model tuning parameters as a result of many detailed sub-
∑ the difculty of evaluating many design parameters related to the
combustion chamber and the air–fuel–combustion system matching
because those factors cannot be built into the model
∑ inability to predict particulate matter and soot accurately
∑ the fact that it is computationally intensive, and it is impossible to
implement in real-time simulations or intelligent engine controls at
current computer speeds.
It seems that the focus of the traditional phenomenological modeling may
be directed toward assisting the development of the more practical heuristic
macro-parameter-dependent modeling (to be introduced below), instead of
trying to become a stand-alone design tool, at least from a diesel engine
system design point of view.
More detailed information on the phenomenological emissions models can
be found in Hiroyasu and Kadota (1976), Chiu et al. (1976), Kyriakides et al.
(1986), Bazari (1992), Yoshizaki et al. (1993), Huang et al. (1996), Morel
and Wahiduzzaman (1996), Wang et al. (1999), Hiroyasu and Long (2000),
Torkzadeh et al. (2001), Kouremenos et al. (2001), Bayer and Foster (2003),
Asay et al. (2004), Brahma et al. (2005), Pariotis et al. (2005), Arrègle et
al. (2006), Mauviot et al. (2006), and Bagal et al. (2009).
7.4.5 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)–KIVA modeling
The three-dimensional KIVA is a very complex multi-zone combustion
model based on the partial differential equations of viscous uid dynamics,
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