9.1 There is functional form misspecification if
≠ 0 or
≠ 0, where these are the population
parameters on ceoten
and comten
, respectively. Therefore, we test the joint significance of
these variables using the R-squared form of the F test: F = [(.375 − .353)/(1 − .375)][(177 –
8)/2] 2.97. With 2 and ∞ df, the 10% critical value is 2.30 awhile the 5% critical value is 3.00.
Thus, the p-value is slightly above .05, which is reasonable evidence of functional form
misspecification. (Of course, whether this has a practical impact on the estimated partial effects
for various levels of the explanatory variables is a different matter.)
9.2 [Instructor’s Note: Out of the 186 records in VOTE2.RAW, three have voteA88 less than 50,
which means the incumbent running in 1990 cannot be the candidate who received voteA88
percent of the vote in 1988. You might want to reestimate the equation dropping these three
(i) The coefficient on voteA88 implies that if candidate A had one more percentage point of
the vote in 1988, she/he is predicted to have only .067 more percentage points in 1990. Or, 10
more percentage points in 1988 implies .67 points, or less than one point, in 1990. The t statistic
is only about 1.26, and so the variable is insignificant at the 10% level against the positive one-
sided alternative. (The critical value is 1.282.) While this small effect initially seems surprising,
it is much less so when we remember that candidate A in 1990 is always the incumbent.
Therefore, what we are finding is that, conditional on being the incumbent, the percent of the
vote received in 1988 does not have a strong effect on the percent of the vote in 1990.
(ii) Naturally, the coefficients change, but not in important ways, especially once statistical
significance is taken into account. For example, while the coefficient on log(expendA) goes from
−.929 to −.839, the coefficient is not statistically or practically significant anyway (and its sign is
not what we expect). The magnitudes of the coefficients in both equations are quite similar, and
there are certainly no sign changes. This is not surprising given the insignificance of voteA88.
9.3 (i) Eligibility for the federally funded school lunch program is very tightly linked to living in
poverty. Therefore, the percentage of students eligible for the lunch program is very similar to
the percentage of students living in poverty.
(ii) We can use our usual reasoning on omitting important variables from a regression
equation. The variables log(expend) and lnchprg are negatively correlated: school districts with
poorer children spend, on average, less on schools. Further,
< 0. From Table 3.2, omitting
lnchprg (the proxy for poverty) from the regression produces an upward biased estimator of
(ignoring the presence of log(enroll) in the model). So when we control for the poverty rate, the
effect of spending falls.
(iii) Once we control for lnchprg, the coefficient on log(enroll) becomes negative and has a t
of about –2.17, which is significant at the 5% level against a two-sided alternative. The
coefficient implies that −(1.26/100)(%Δenroll) = −.0126(%Δenroll). Therefore, a
10% increase in enrollment leads to a drop in math10 of .126 percentage points.