This is a good place to remind students that homoskedasticity played no role in showing that
OLS is unbiased for the parameters in the regression equation. In addition, you should probably
mention that there is nothing wrong with the R-squared or adjusted R-squared as goodness-of-fit
measures. The key is that these are estimates of the population R-squared, 1 – [Var(u)/Var(y)],
where the variances are the unconditional variances in the population. The usual R-squared, and
the adjusted version, consistently estimate the population R-squared whether or not Var(u|x) =
Var(y|x) depends on x. Of course, heteroskedasticity causes the usual standard errors, t statistics,
and F statistics to be invalid, even in large samples, with or without normality.
By explicitly stating the homoskedasticity assumption as conditional on the explanatory
variables that appear in the conditional mean, it is clear that only heteroskedasticity that depends
on the explanatory variables in the model affects the validity of standard errors and test statistics.
This is why the Breusch-Pagan test, as I have presented it, and the White test, are ideally suited
for testing for relevant forms of heteroskedasticity. If heteroskedasticity depends on an
exogenous variable that does not also appear in the mean equation, this can be exploited in
weighted least squares for efficiency, but only rarely is such a variable available. One case
where such a variable is available is when an individual-level equation has been aggregated. I
discuss this case in the text but I rarely have time to teach it.
As I mention in the text, other traditional tests for heteroskedasticity, such as the Park and
Glejser tests, do not directly test what we want, or are too restrictive. The Goldfeld-Quandt test
only works when there is a natural way to order the data based on one independent variable.
This is rare in practice, especially for cross-sectional applications.
Some argue that weighted least squares is a relic, and is no longer necessary given the
availability of heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors and test statistics. While I am somewhat
sympathetic to this argument, it presumes that we do not care much about efficiency. Even in
large samples, the OLS estimates may not be precise enough to learn much about the population
parameters. With substantial heteroskedasticity, we might do better with weighted least squares,
even if the weighting function is misspecified. As mentioned in Question 8.4 on page 280, one
can (and perhaps should) compute robust standard errors after weighted least squares. These
would be directly comparable to the heteroskedasiticity-robust standard errors for OLS.
Weighted least squares estimation of the LPM is a nice example of feasible GLS, at least when
all fitted values are in the unit interval. Interestingly, in the LPM examples and exercises, the
heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors often differ by only small amounts from the usual
standard errors. However, in a couple of cases the differences are notable, as in Computer
Exercise 8.12.