6.2.7 Exercises
1. Duplicate the calculations in heat3d.m. Experiment with the slice para-
meters in the MATLAB command slice.
2. In heat3d.m experiment with dierent time mesh sizes, pd{n = 150> 300
and 450. Be sure to consider the stability constraint.
3. In heat3d.m exp eriment with di
erent space mesh sizes, q{ or q| or
q} = 10> 20 and 40. Be sure to consider the stability constraint.
4. In heat3d.m experiment with dierent thermal conductivities N = frqg =
=01> =02 and .04. Be sure to make any adjustments to the time step so that the
stability condition holds.
5. Suppose heat is being generated at a rate of 3 units of heat per unit
volume per unit time.
(a). Modify heat3d.m to implement this source of heat.
(b). Experiment with di
erent values for this heat source i = 0> 1> 2 and
6.3 Multiprocessors and Mass Transfer
6.3.1 Intro duction
Since computations for 3D heat diusion require four nested loops, the compu-
tational demands increase. In such cases the use of vector or multiprocessing
computers could be very e
ective. Another similar application is the concentra-
tion of a pollutant as it is dispersed within a deep lake. Here the concentration
is a function of time and three space variables. This problem, like heat di
in 3D, will also require more computing p ower. In this section we will describe
and use a multiprocessing computer.
A multiprocessing computer is a computer with more than one "tightly"
coupled CPU. Here "tightly" means that there is relatively fast communication
among the CPUs. There are several classification schemes that are commonly
used to describe various multiprocessors: memory, communication connections
and data streams.
Two examples of the memory classification are shared and distributed. The
shared memory multiprocessors communicate via the global shared memory,
sor. Shared memory multiprocessors often have in-code directives that indicate
the code segments to be executed concurrently. The distributed memory mul-
tiprocessors communicate by explicit message passing, which must be part of
memory computers. In these depictions each node could have several CPUs,
for example some for computation and one for communication. Another illus-
tration is each no de could be a shared memory computer, and the IBM/SP is
a particular example of this.
© 2004 by Chapman & Hall/CRC
and Figure 6.1.2 is adepiction of afour processor shared memory multiproces-
the computer code. Figures 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 illustrate three types of distributed