eyebrow 26
eyebrows, raise one's 27, 67
eyebrows, singe one's 28
eyelash 26
eyelashes, flutter one's 27
eyelid 27
eyes dancing 127
eyes of the law, in the 186
eyes pop out of one's head
eyes, bags under the 27
eyes, bloodshot 28
eyes, not believe one's 62
eyesight 36
eyestrain 28
F natural / sharp 170
fabric, silk 108
fabulous 188
fabulous creature 83
face 48,69,125
face competition 181
face south 24
face, have guilt written all
over one's 63
face, make / pull a 67
face, scald one's 28
facilities 142, 199
facility 199
fact, in 207
factory, dream 160
facts and figures 56
faculty 199
fade 80, 129
fade fast 149
faded 94, 123
fading, hopes are 204
fail 122
fail to finish the course 156
fail, without 201
failed 144
failure 156
failure, heart 150
faint 73
faint, to 153
fair amount of, a 110
fair number of, a 196
fair-haired 34
fair-minded 40
fairground 161
fairness, sense of 37
fairytale 163
falcon 83
fall 72
fall apart 127
fall down 129
fall headlong 72
fallout 55
fall, rise and 199-200
fall, sharp 199
fall, to 130,200
false 26
false name 8
family 112
family relationships 13-14
family, ape / monkey 82
family, cat 83
family, members of the 13
family, single-parent 14
family, snake 82
family-size 112
fan letter 162
fan of, a great 44
fan belt 102
fanatic 44
fancy, not really 47
far as I'm concerned,
as 44
Far East 21
far end of the street, at the
far side of town, on the 22
far too much 110
far-distant future, in the
farce 159
farm worker, general 141
farming methods 184
farmyard animal 84
fascinated 54
fascinating 188
fashion parade 161
fashionable 107
fast 193
fast asleep 72
fast lane 180
fast, fade 149
fasten one's seat-belt 179
fastener 107
faster, one's heart begins to
beat 69
fat belly 32
fat on a chip, there's more
fatalist 44
fatally wounded 137
father 13
father-in-law 13
fattening-up 184
faulty 122-123
favourite, hot 156
fear 47-48
fears are growing 204
feather 82, 117
feather, knock someone over
with a 62
feature, geographical 78
February 193
fed up 50,54
feed an army, enough
to 110
feed, cattle 88
feed, to 88
feeding 184
feel 36
feel a bit uneasy 53
feel as if 36
feel feverish 149
feel funny 149
feel inclined to 48
feel indifferent 54
feel it in one's bones 37
feel like, not 47
feel one's age 10
feel quite tempted 47
feel sorry 54
feel sorry for 54
feel strongly 43
feel well 149
feel, be as old as you 11
feelers 86
feeling 36,43
feelings 47
fees 146
feet apart, standing 72
feet in diameter,
several 110
feet in the air, with
one's 71
feet, cubic 110
feet, on one's 149
feet, over 18,000 78
feet, stand on one's
own two 31
female 84
fence 155
fencer 155
fencing 158
fern 80
ferry 104
ferry terminal 22
fertile valley 78
fertility drug 134
fertilize 80
fetch 75
fever, glandular 150
fever, scarlet 150
fever, yellow 150
feverish 151
feverish, feel 149
few generations ago, a 191
few hours, within the next
few words, say a 56
few years back, a 192
few years, for the past 191
fewer jobs 182
fewer than, no 110
fez 108
fibreglass 117
fibrositis 150
fiction movie, science 160
fiddle 68
fiddle, as fit as a 149
fiddle, electric 168
fidget 68
field of fifteen 156
field, recreation 156
field, towards the back of
the 156
fields, across the 22
fierce opponent of, a 43
fiercely anti-... 43
fifth 197
fifty-fifty split 196
fig 87
fight for one's life 149
figure 114
Index 223