emissions from a diverse and representative
sample of the world’s reservoirs. “This is an
issue currently before the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)” said Dr
Goldenfum. “It is also the case that the CDM
currently excludes certain hydro projects”.
Panellists discussed the UNESCO/IHA
Project, and recommended learning from
GHG inventory methods employed by other
industries, such as forestry, and gathering
data from both old and new reservoirs. The
effort to standardise the methodology of res-
ervoir GHG measurement was highly com-
mended, and many participants expressed
an interest in the forthcoming Field Manual,
under preparation by the UNESCO/IHA
Project. The need for a communications
campaign to counter publications claim-
ing that reservoirs emit copious amounts
of GHG emissions was also raised. For
further information on the UNESCO/IHA
GHG Research Project, see the “Climate
Initiatives” section of the IHA website at
Hydropower Sustainability Assessment
Forum Session and Side Event
In the session dedicated to the work of the
Hydropower Sustainability Assessment
Forum (HSAF), Dr Helen Locher, Forum
Coordinator, explained that the Forum is a
cross-sectoral collaboration of representatives
from developed and developing country gov-
ernments, social and environmental NGOs,
commercial and development banks, and the
hydro power sector, that aims to develop a
broadly endorsed sustainability assessment
tool to measure and guide performance in
the hydro sector. She pointed out that Forum
members are jointly reviewing and recom-
mending enhancements to the existing IHA
Sustainability Assessment Protocol, originally
released in 2006.
David Harrison, representing The Nature
Conservancy (TNC), outlined his organi-
zation’s aspirations for the HSAF, includ-
ing widespread improvement in the hydro
sector, in the consideration of environmen-
tal flows, and the use of integrated plan-
ning. Kirsten Nyman of GTZ stressed that
the main challenge facing the HSAF was to
achieve a balance between the dual needs
of specifi city and broad applicability. Israel
Phiri, from the Ministry of Energy and Water
Development, Zambia, said he looked for-
ward to the Protocol creating a level play-
ing fi eld, and stressed that it needed to be
relevant to Africa.
Describing his aspirations for the Protocol,
Andrew Scanlon, Hydro Tasmania (who coor-
dinated the development of the IHA 2006
Protocol), looked forward to a self-sustaining
continual improvement process that manages
assessment and verifi cation. Michael Simon of
Oxfam stressed the need for the involvement
of indigenous people and dam-affected people.
He also urged delegates to apply and imple-
ment the Protocol. Dr Locher outlined the
major challenges facing the HSAF, including
the need to address complexity and make the
Protocol comprehensive, understandable and
broadly acceptable.
Discussions among panellists and par-
ticipants addressed the potential lessons that
could be learned from criteria called for in
existing directives, integrated water manage-
ment and strategic environmental assess-
ments; the advantages of a sector-specifi c,
multi-stakeholder-informed, industry-sup-
ported standard; the compatibility of the
Protocol with other assessment standards;
whether the Protocol can help good projects
become more timely, in terms of decision
making, as well as more sustainable; and
whether the use of the tool might be expen-
sive or time consuming.
Delegates and panellists also considered
how the Protocol needs to take into account
specifi c basin contexts, including local and
national laws and regulatory regimes. Scanlon
explained that the HSAF worked to build
flexibility for different circumstances into
the Protocol and its performance measures,
and Nyman said that more input on address-
ing national contexts in the tool would be
helpful. On whether there has been consid-
eration of the transformation of the Protocol
into a certifi cation system or process, Scanlon
suggested that a possible follow-up activity
would be to develop a fully functioning cer-
tifi cation scheme.
A side event for the HSAF was also held at
the Congress, where delegates had the oppor-
tunity to ask more detailed questions about
Protocol content, and to obtain informa-
tion on the consultation and trialling phase
that was scheduled to commence soon after
the Congress. This consultation and trialling
phase (September-November 2009) is now
underway and focuses on the content of the
Draft Hydropower Sustainability Assessment
Protocol August 2009, and its practical applica-
tion. Trialling is being encouraged in a number
of regions and on a range of hydro power
project types and scales. To fi nd out more, visit
the Sustainability Initiatives section of the IHA
website: http://www.hydropower.org/sustain-
Congress attendance
Despite a number of factors threatening to
reduce attendance at the 2009 Congress,
such as the global fi nancial crisis, the effects
of which were particularly strong in Iceland,
and the Swine Flu outbreak, IHA was
delighted with the attendance levels, which
were an increase on the 2007 Congress.
IHA is now looking towards the future and
has already started planning the 2011 IHA
World Congress, details of which will be
announced later this year.
Richard Taylor believes that the success
of the IHA Congresses depends on the con-
tinued commitment to reach out to a wide
diversity of high-level delegates, not just
from within the hydro power sector, but
also from government, agencies, fi nancial
organisations industry, research institutes,
environmental groups and civil society.
“The Congresses provide a real opportuni-
ty for hydro power leaders to come togeth-
er with key actors from other backgrounds,
to contribute to solving the challenges that
lie ahead and to help shape the future strat-
egy for hydro power”.
IHA would like to take this opportunity
to thank the World Congress sponsors and
partners for their support, without which
the Congress could not have taken place,
particularly Landsvirkjun, IHA’s strategic
Icelandic partner. Details of the Congress
sponsors and partners can be found at www.
The International Institute for Sustainable
Development (IISD) reported on the Congress
proceedings and their Congress reports can
be viewed online at www.iisd.ca/ymb/hydro/
For further information, please contact
Philip Smith, Communications Offi cer,
IHA. Tel: (+44) 208 652 5290.
Email: ps@hydropower.org
Above: The Congress opening session
Left: The event offered invaluable networking