As IWP&DC marks its 60th anniversary,
2009 will also be a s pecial milestone
for the European Small Hydropower
Association (ESHA).
ESHA has represented the interests
of the SHP sector in the European
Union since 1989 when it wa s created
throu gh an in itiative of the European
Commission. In 2000, ESHA decided to
oin its colleague s represent ing other
renew able energy sectors in the
Renew able Energy House in Belgium.
The representation of a Secretariat in
Brussels has helped to improve the image
of the sector and aid its development
through lobbyin g activi ties at different
EU levels.
The small hydro industry has faced
many c hallenges over the past 20 years.
SHP in the EU context is defined as cov-
ering plants with an installed capacity
up to 10MW. Even if in quantitative
terms the sector represents only a small
part of renewable energy production, it
offers much po tentia l and great scope
for deve lopmen t. It has an important
contribution to make to EU energy
needs through:
• Combining with other renewables.
• Integrating in multipurpose systems.
• Upgrading and refurbishing existing sites
in the EU.
In additio n the latest policy dev elop-
ments, with th e newly adopted RES
Directive paving the way for 20% renew-
able energy by 2020 , wil l bri ng a new
rive for sustainable hydro power devel-
opment. Furthermor e, those linking
water and ener gy as precious intercon-
nected resources have identified small
hydro as a reliab le supplier of electricity
generation, especially for rural p opula-
tions without access to grid electricity.
The past 20 years have served to position
the small hydro sector and make it speak
with one voice, underlining its beneficial
use. On the technological side, improve-
ments have been made on more efficient
and less costly turbines but the largest
efforts have been in developing more appro-
priate turbines, such as fish-friendly and
very low head turbines.
ESHA’s 20th anniversary will be a great
opportunity to remember all these aspects,
to celebrate achievements, but also to think
about the future. Much is still pending and
many challenges are ahead. Times are
changing and we have to change with them.
We need to think now about ESHA’s con-
tribution to facilitate the reaching of the
2020 targets and to represent the interest of
sustainable hydro power within the renew-
able energy family. This will enable us to
contribute to the EU’s security of energy
supply, to economic development as well as
to the abatement of climate change.
The National Hydropower Association
in t he US is pleased to congrat ulate
International Water Power & Dam
Construction on 60 years of ser vice in
helping the hydro power industry stay
connected on a global scale. Through the
magazine, hydro power interests around
the world hav e had th e opportunity to
follow our indu stry’s successes, best
ractices, and challenges.
This is an exciting time for the hydro
power industry. In the US, where we
have marked more than 125 years o f
hydroelectric generation, we’re at the
beginning of a new era that is already
seeing new technologies and new oppor-
tunities become available. This year start-
ed off with the licensing of the first
commercial US hydrokinetic facility, and
we anticipate many more milestones,
especially as policies favourable to hydro-
electric development and federal research
and development come to fruition.
As NHA looks to th e future, we see
another century of hydro power ahead.
We’re confident that IWP&DC will be
there to report on and continue to serve
the international hydro power industry
for many years to come.
The NHA’s annual conference will
be held in Washington DC from 11-13
May 2009.
, E
, L
The c h anges tha t have taken place in the
US hydro regulatory arena since I started
working with the Federal Power
Commission, later renamed the Federal
Energy Regul a t o ry Commission (FERC),
are many. In 1974, I was a draftsman for a
small Pittsfield, Maine engineering com-
pany that had a few hydro clients. One day
one of the partners asked me to take on a
new assignment and deal with ‘r ed tape’
created by a bunch of bureaucrats in
Washington. He assured me that it
shouldn’t take more than five hours a
week, tossed me a
copy of the Federal
Power Act, and
wished me luck!
Since that time I
have spent almost
my entire caree r
working on hydro
licensing and reli-
censing projects as a
consultant, a hydro
utility employee,
and most recently head of a small non-
profit low impact hydro certifi cation
When I started, the environmental
statutes that drive much of the complexity,
contention, and decision-making associat-
ed with l icensing and perm itting hy dro
projects were in their infancy. They were
also poorly und erstood by most of us
trying to work w ith them. It was a time
when people who owned and opera ted
hydro projects (mostly utilities of one stripe
or anot her and a relatively small contin-
gent of industrial operators) did not feel
they had an obligation to consult with the
resource agencies or the public.
The burgeoning interest in hydro devel-
opment during the late 1970s created a
flood of preliminary permits, five to six
times more than normal. This hydro ‘gold
rush’ became the focus of disenfranchised
stakeholders. During this period, FERC lost
court battles and stakeholders were suc-
cessful in getting Congress to listen. This led
to major changes in FERC regulations
requiring hydro owners to consult with, and
pay heed to, non-developmental interests.
The hydro industry’s reaction to the
increased transparency and requirements to
consult was not a positive one. They resist-
ed the changes. Meanwhile the NGOs and
state and federal resource agencies began to
understand the importance of becoming
active participants in the FERC regulatory
process as a way to meet their goals. Some
licences took many years, and many
lawyers, to resolve. These were sometimes
in the licensee’s favour but more often than
not in the favour of a tribe, state or NGO.
Licensing had become very expensive and
lacked any kind of certainty.
Finally, wiser heads prevailed and friend
and foe worked together to find ways to fix
a system that they all agreed was broken.
Forward thinking licensees and other stake-
holders began to explore a variety of ways
to resolve these multi-party disputes over
the proper use of the resources. New words
like settlement, adaptive management, and
collaborative task force became part of the
hydro regulatory lexicon. We had arrived.
Today there are still disagreements, but
they don’t go to court as often as they once
did. And now it is not unusual for stake-
holders who participated in the settlement
agreement to become ‘partners’ who stay
actively involved in the project.
Email: fayer@lowimpacthydro.org