Combined, the Sir Adam Beck – Niagara generating stations pro-
vide 30% of OPG’s hydroelectric capacity and 35% of OPG’s clean,
renewable hydroelectric energy.
In 1956, the Schoellkopf plant was destroyed by a catastrophic
failure of the rock cliff which caused part of the plant to be pushed
into the Niagara river. In the early 1960s, NYPA built the 2400MW
Robert Moses generating station, and its com panion 300MW
Lewiston pump generating station, on the lower Niagara river oppo-
site the SAB plants. This allowed the US to use a larger portion of
the available water and the less efficient Adams and S choellkopf
plants were removed from service.
Progressively, the TP, OP and CNP plants on the Canadian side
of the river were also closed as 25Hz demand dwindled. OPG’s
remaining hydroelectric facilities at the Sir Adam Beck complex did
not have enough diversion capacity to fully utilise Canada’s alloca-
tion of Niagara River flow under the terms of the 1950 Treaty.
The Niagara tunnel project, now under construction, will restore
Ontario’s c apability to e ffectively utilise the water allocated to
Canada. When the new Niagara tunnel is in operation, the water it
delivers will permit the existing Sir Adam Beck generating stations
to produce 14% more energy, increasing average annual output by
about 1.6BkWh, enough to supply 160, 000 Ontario homes w ith
clean, renewable hydroelectric power.
Preparation for the new Niagara tunnel commenced in 1982, when
Ontario Hydro (predecessor of OPG) began to study the possible
expansion of its hydroelectric facilities on the Niagara river. Detailed
engineering, environmental and socioeconomic studies were con-
ducted from 1988 through 1994 with an environmental assessment
(EA) submitted in 1991 for the then planned project (two 500m
water diversion tunnels, a 3x900MW underground generating sta-
tion and transmission improvements between Niagara Falls and
Hamilton, Ontario).
Among the commitments made through the EA process was the
utilization of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) to excavate the tun-
nels from the outlet end, under the buried St. Davids gorge and fol-
lowing the route of the existing SAB2 tunnels through the City of
Niagara Falls. Other commitments in cluded re-use of excavated
materials and an agreement to compensate the host municipalities,
Niagara Region, Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake, for fore-
cast project impacts on tou rism and municipal services. The EA
received approval from Ontario’s Minister of the Environment in
1998, including provisions to begin with construction of one tunnel,
the Niagara tunnel project.
HERE is over a century of hydroelectric development expe-
rience on both sides of the Niagara river. The first plants
were built adjacent to the falls, us ed only the hydraulic
head in the vicinity of the falls and all generated at a fre-
quency of 25Hz. The Canadian Niagara Power Company (CNP),
the Toronto Power Company (TP) and the Ontario Power Company
(OP) stations were built on the Canadian side while the Adams and
Schoellkopf sta tions were on the US side . The plants on the
Canadian side were built by private companies between 1900-10.
The OP and TP facilities were purchased in about 192 0 b y t he
Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario which, in 1974, was
renamed Ontario Hydro, the immediate predecessor o f Ontario
Power Generation (OPG).
Sir Adam Beck GS No.1 (SAB1), built in the early-1920s, is OPG’s
third largest hydroelectric stati on wi th te n units h aving a t otal
installed capacity of 498MW. It was the first of the Niagara river
hydroelectric facilities to capture the hydraulic head avail able
through the rapids upstream and downstream from the falls, facili-
tating capture of 95% of the drop between Lake Erie and Lake
Ontario. A 20km long open-cut canal was co nstructed between
Chippawa and Queenston to deliver about 600m
/sec of Niagara
river water for hydroelectric generation at SAB1. Originally, the
SAB1 units all generated 25Hz electricity, but since Ontario’s 60Hz
standardisation in the 1950s, eight generators have been converted
from 25Hz to 60Hz. Two SAB1 units continue to supply 25Hz elec-
tricity to a few customers.
Sir Adam Beck GS No.2 (SAB2) is OPG’s largest hydro station with
16 units having a total installed capacity of 1499MW. SAB2 is the
flagship of OPG’s hydro fleet. It was constructed in the early 1950s
and first operated in 1954. Two 13.7m diameter, 8km long diversion
tunnels joined into a 3km long open-cut canal to deliver about
/sec of Niagara river water for hydroelectric generation.
During a major overhaul and upgrade of SAB2 between 1996 and
2005, the turbines, generators and other primary equipment were
replaced, renewing the station’s reliability and increasing its capac-
ity by 194MW.
The Sir Adam Beck Pump Generating Station (PGS) and reservoir
were also built in the 1950s, first operating in 1958. The PGS has
six reversible units with a combined nominal capacity of 174MW.
The PGS reservoir is a manmade lake, contained by a rockfill dyke
that rises above the natural terrain. The PGS reservoir is operated
over a range of 8.2m and has a storage capacity of about 20Mm
Water is typically pumped into the PGS r eservoir from the S AB
canals during periods of low electricity demand (over night and on
weekends) an d released to gene rate electricity at the PGS and at
SAB1/SAB2 during periods of peak demand.
New tunnel to optimize hydro
potential at Niagara
Ontario Power Generation’s Niagara tunnel project includes the planning, design and
construction of a 10.2km long, 12.7m internal diameter tunnel and associated facilities to
divert an additional 500m
/sec of water from the Niagara river upstream from the
Horseshoe Falls to the existing Sir Adam Beck generating stations near Queenston. The
design/build contractor, Strabag, is using the world’s largest hardrock tunnel boring
machine to excavate the tunnel. By Richard A Everdell