Power Generation’s (OPG)
$2.6B Lower Mattagami Project
– billed as the largest northern hydroe-
lectric generating construction project
in 40 years by OPG – is now underway.
The project, being developed in part-
nership with is the Moose Cree First
Nation (25%) will increase Ontario’s
supply of clean, renewable power by
about 440MW and create hundreds of
jobs in the region.
The development on the Mattagami
River will expand the capacity of four
existing stations from 486MW to 924
MW of dispatchable, peaking power.
The project has four parts:
rebuilding Smoky Falls Generating
Station and adding new generating
units at Harmon, Kipling, and Little
Long generating stations. Making
use of existing sites creates valu-
able renewable energy with minimal
environmental disruption.
“Ontario has established itself
as leader in clean energy expertise,
manufacturing, and development,”
said Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy
and Infrastructure. “The Lower
Mattagami project is indicative of
that leadership and symbolic of what
the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario
seeks to achieve: positioning the
north for a leadership role in devel-
oping a sustainable provincial energy
supply and creating economic oppor-
tunities for Aboriginal peoples.”
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs
Chris Bentley, noted “It is partner-
ships like these that support sus-
tainable Aboriginal communities
and strengthen regional economies.
It’s good news for Moose Cree First
Nation, for Kapuskasing, and for
Ontario as a whole.”
Following a competitive global
search for a qualified contractor,
Ontario Power Generation has award-
ed the $1.7B contract to design and
construct these facilities to a joint
venture of Peter Kiewit Sons Co
and Aecon Group Inc’s infrastruc-
ture Division. Aecon will own a 20%
stake in the JV
“This is an important project and
we are committed to working safely,
and completing the work on time,
and on budget, said Teri McKibbon,
CEO of Aecon Infrastructure. “We are
very pleased to be partnered with
Kiewit, a company acknowledged as
a world class leader in hydro devel-
opment projects”.
Ontario Power Generation’s $2.6B
project budget includes the design
build contract as well as contingencies,
interest and other OPG costs including
project management, contract man-
agement, impact agreements with
First Nations, and transmission con-
nection costs. OPG and the Ontario
Power Authority are working to nalize
and execute a Hydroelectric Energy
Supply Agreement for the project.
OPG is in the process of arranging
project nancing.
Completion of this project is
expected in 2015. Approximately
600 people will work on the scheme
annually, with a peak of over 800,
during the ve years of construction.
In total, the project will create over
4000 person years of direct, and indi-
rect employment.
Construction starts on Lower
Mattagami project, Ontario
Wave Hub on course for summer deployment
project is on course to be
deployed this summer with fabri-
cation of sub-sea cables and the hub
itself nearing completion.
Wave Hub will create the world’s
largest test site for wave energy tech-
nology by building a grid-connected
socket on the seabed, 10 miles off
the coast of Cornwall, to which wave
power devices can be connected and
their performance evaluated.
The £42M project has been devel-
oped by the South West Regional
Development Agency (SWRDA) and
is a cornerstone of its strategy to
develop a world-class marine energy
industry in South West England.
Hartlepool-based JDR Cable
Sy s t e m s is constru c t i n g th e
armoured 25km subsea cable
that will connect Wave Hub to the
National Grid, and the hub struc-
ture that will sit on the seabed.
Construction is well advanced on the
cable manufacture, and, once com-
plete, the 1,300 tonne cable will be
spooled directly onto a cable laying
vessel from JDR’s deepwater quay-
side facility at Hartlepool Dock.
The company is also making four
300m ‘tails’ that will connect wave
energy devices on or just below the
surface of the sea back to Wave Hub.
Work is also well underway on the
hub assembly. This is a rigid steel
structure that will sit on the seabed
in 50m of water and be covered in
several metres of rock. It will pro-
vide a connection between the main
cable from the shore and the tails
leading to the wave energy devices,
and will weigh around 12 tonnes
when completed. A connection
block inside will be lled with resin
to ensure it remains watertight and
the whole structure is designed to
last at least 25 years.
“After seven years of planning it’s
hugely satisfying to see the cable
and hub actually taking shape,” said
Guy Lavender, Wave Hub’s general
manager at the SWRDA. “We’re on
course for deployment this summer
and extensive testing will take place
before we welcome our first wave
energy devices at Wave Hub, which
we expect in 2011.
Meanwhile onshore work for Wave
Hub continues with the construction
of an electricity substation at Hayle
on the north Cornwall coast.
The six-month project includes
the installation of more than £1M
of electrical equipment, including a
monitoring system for wave energy
developers to measure how much
power their devices produce.
SaskPower and First Nation agree hydro studies
and the Black Lake First Nation
are taking the first step in
developing a hydro power project in
northern Saskatchewan by signing
an agreement to carry out feasibility
studies on a 50MW run of the river
scheme at Elizabeth Falls near Fond
du Lac.
The agreement will allow for envi-
ronmental and engineering studies
to begin in this month. SaskPower
signed the agreement with the
Elizabeth Falls Hydro Development
Corporation, which was established
by the Black Lake First Nation to over-
see the project.
“We are really pleased with the
progress we are starting to make on
this important project,” said Black
Lake Chief Donald Sayazie. “Should
it proceed, this hydro project will bring
many benets to the people of the
Black Lake First Nation and commu-
nities in the region. We look forward
to working with SaskPower to take the
necessary steps in what we hope will
ultimately result in clean, environmen-
tally friendly power being generated in
the north.”
Should the project prove to be an
economical supply option, the two
parties would negotiate a contract
for SaskPower to buy the electricity
provided by the project, which would
fulll a growing need for electricity in
northern Saskatchewan.
Pursuing emission free hydro-
electric generation was one of the
medium and long-term supply options
SaskPower identied when it shared
its future generation plans with the
Legislative Assembly’s Standing
Committee on Crown and Central
Agencies in late 2009 and early
2010. The Committee endorsed this
approach in its nal report, which was
issued in April 2010.
If given the go-ahead, the hydro
project would redirect a portion of the
ow in the Fond du Lac River, at the
east end of Lake Athabasca.