Paul C. Rizzo Associates (Rizzo) was
founded in 1984 on a strong background
in civil, structural and geotechnical engi-
neering, and its engineers have always had
a particular dedication to dams and water
resources projects. It has worked with
regulatory agencies and environmental
groups in both public and private sectors
around the world on projects such as small
spillway design and construction, large
dam rehabilitations, complete rebuilds and
hydroelectric development.
Rizzo recently served as construction man-
ager and engineer of record for the Taum
Sauk upper reservoir rebuild in Missouri,
US. The dam rebuild required the place-
ment of 2Mm
of RCC and 229,000m
conventional concrete, making it the largest
RCC dam in North America.
The construction of the rebuilt dam
required the cooperation of the owner
(AmerenUE), the contractor (Ozark), the
engineer (Rizzo) and state and local regu-
latory agencies to overcome challenges at
the site. These included:
rock contained clay seams and zones
which required special excavation and
fracture foundation treatment.
was constructed on top of a mountain, the
transportation of equipment, materials
and labour was a continuous challenge.
activities –required to meet the aggressive
construction schedule. These included
excavation, foundation preparation and
RCC placement and occurred on a daily
basis, requiring an enormous construc-
tion management effort.
The benefits resulting from the suc-
cessful rebuild of the Taum Sauk Upper
Reservoir are tremendous and will only
increase when it becomes fully operation-
al. The most important benet is the long-
term safety of the people living near the
reservoir and those visiting the surround-
ing recreational areas.
The Taum Sauk rebuild was recently
awarded the prestigious US Society on
Dams 2010 Award of Excellence.
PCX Corporation specialises in the
design, manufacture and delivery of off-
site prefabricated electrical and mechani-
cal solutions that reduce construction
time, minimise environmental impact,
reduce installation footprints, and the
reliance on local site labour.
Typical PCX offsite solutions include
packaged electrical power systems, modular
distribution systems, skid based mechani-
cal packages, and custom operator control
stations. It is no secret that collapsing the
construction schedule allows for acceler-
ated start up of the hydro facility and the
construction industry is looking for ways to
change the project delivery model. Utilising
3D Building Information Modelling (BIM),
constructors are discovering that modular
and offsite construction techniques can be
implemented as never before. Accurate
integrated designs are readily available
with just in time delivery to your site.
Factory tested and commissioned systems,
manufactured concurrent to the site con-
struction, allow for earlier generator start-
up. No more waiting for critical equipment
to arrive and be manually installed in the
eld. Other positive advantages are noise
reduction and an improved safety record.
38KV gas insulated substation power
equipment centre
The unique demands of the hydro market
call for technology that is not always
available off the shelf. VibroSystM con-
tinually endeavours to meet this demand.
Alongside its FOA-100 that measures
end-winding vibration and the VM6.0
that dynamically measures air-gap,
VibroSystM furnishes many unique
designs that meet the changing needs of
the high-tech sector.
VibroSystM ThermaWatch Rotor probe
and signal conditioner provide a fast-re-
sponse, on-line temperature reading from
salient and non-salient eld poles on large
rotating machines. Its 4-20mA output can
be connected to VibroSystM ZOOM on-
line monitoring system or to any other
instrumentation. Because of its small size
(5.9mm probe tip), the ThermaWatch
Rotor is easy to install through a stator
core ventilation hole or at any other loca-
tion where the sensor tip can be positioned
in front of a rotor pole, rotor pole circuit,
joint or rotor pole bar. ThermaWatch
Rotor is a solution for monitoring rotor
pole face and winding temperature with-
out affecting rotor integrity.
Plug-ins, such as ZOOM Orbits, Polar
Plots and FFTs are developed to take full
advantage of the sensors to which they
are connected. Its software environment
allows the user to make efcacious and
complex analyses. The ZOOM 6 Platform
is based on over 20 years of machine mon-
itoring experience. It is an open architec-
ture software for on-line monitoring of
large rotating machines. This platform
also allows notication, alarm, and condi-
tional measurement and alarms (single or
multiple conditions).
The ZPU-5000 (ZOOM processing
unit) simultaneously monitors multiple
parameters on large rotating machines. It
performs various types of measurements
in automatic and test modes, processes
data, checks alarm conditions and trans-
mits data to the ZOOM controller for a
quick and efcient data interpretation of
machine condition through the ZOOM
6 platform The ZPU-5000 can synchro-
nise acquisition of all parameters with the
passing of each rotor pole for salient pole
machines, or use an external acquisition
trigger for non-salient pole machines.