of internal erosion and the incident. This suggests a longer progres-
sion-time from the initiation of internal erosion to the continuation
phase (at which sinkholes form).
Foster et al (2000) concluded that conduits through the embank-
ment have the most important influence on the initiation of piping
(especially for dam s with limited zoning); wit h other locations
including contacts with concrete structures, over foundation irreg-
ularities, and steep abutments, but these are less frequent.
For the majority of the cases reviewed in this paper, the location
at which internal erosion surfaced is unknown or randomly located
over the soil or rock foundation. However, in close agreement with
Foster et al (2000), locations with higher incidence of surfacing inter-
nal erosion are: i) where embankments abut to concrete structures
or sheet pile walls; and ii) where the core is placed on steeply inclined
foundation. From experience, these are locations difficult to com-
pact, and are generally more susceptible to hydraulic fracturing and
differential settlements (Foster et al, 2000).
In this paper, 30 existing dams comprising broadly graded soils (of
glacial origin, i.e. moraines and tills) are reviewed. These are all dams
that, to differing extents, have experienced incidents of internal ero-
sion. Based on the reviewed dams, the table opposite summarises
the long-term behaviour of internal erosion afflicted dams.
Incidents are most likely to occur early-on, since almost half of the
dams reviewed experienced incidents during first filling or within the
first year of service. However, without any previous signs, there are
dams that experience first signs of internal erosion decades into oper-
ation. When not randomly located over soil and rock foundation, the
surfacing of the internal erosion incident has been found in this review
to occur where dams abut to concrete structures or sheet pile walls,
and over foundation irregularities, as discussed by Foster et al, 2000.
The most common signs that precede an internal erosion related
incident are: increase in leakage; muddy leakage; and pore-pressure
variations in the dam body (although less frequently observed). Such
signs may be early-warnings of initiated and progressive internal ero-
sion. Note tha t there are also dams to which there has been no
apparent warning-sign prior to the formation of sinkholes. Generally
there is a warning time of a number of months, or longer, between
the first sign of internal erosion and the incident. However, rockfill
dams account for the majority of cases where there has been a rela-
tively short period of time between the first sign and the incident of
internal ero sion. Monitoring and surveillance are key features in
ensuring reservoir safety. Based on the review of existing dams, this
paper s hows that there may be a relatively short period o f time
between the first signs of internal erosion and a potential incident.
In order to detect and understand the signs of internal erosion, mon-
itoring needs frequent follow-ups to detect changes in trends and
patterns. Furthermore, observations during visual inspections need
continuous cross-referencing with the monitored data.
Hans F. Rönnqvist, Post-graduate Student, the Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Dep. of Land and
Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering.
The research presented in this paper has received financial
support from the ”Swedish Hydropower Centre – SVC”.
Further information is available on www.SVC.nu
Full details of this study will be published in Volume XX
Issue 1 of Dam Engineering. For further information on
this journal contact Tracey Honney via email:
Foster, M.A., Fell, R. (2001) Assessing Embankment Dam Filters that do
not satisfy Design Criteria, J. of Geotech. and Geoenv. Engrg, Vol. 127, no.
4, May, pp. 398-407.
Foster, M., Fell, R., Spannagle, M. (2000) The Statistics of Embankment
dam failures and accidents, Can. Geotech. J., vol. 37, pp. 1000-1024.
Ripley, C., F. (1986) Internal Stability of Granular filters: Discussion, Can.
Geotech. J., vol. 23, pp. 255-258.
Ripley, C. F., (1988) Comments on Q. 61- R.29 and R. 55, 16th ICOLD
Congress, San Francisco, vol. V, Minutes, 1988.
Rönnqvist, H. (2006) Predicting Internal Erosion in Glacial Moraine Core
Embankment Dams, Pr oc. of Hydrovision 2006, Portland, OR, USA.
Rönnqvist, H (2008): Review of moraine core dams and internal erosion,
Dam Engineering, Vol. XIX Issue 2, pp. 99-121
Sherard, J.L. and Dunnigan, L.P. (1989) Critical filters for impervious soils,
J. of Geotech. Engrg, ASCE, 115 (7), pp. 927-947.
Long-term behaviour of dams that have
experienced internal erosion (sinkholes)
Rockfill dams Earthfill dams
Timing of internal Generally during first Generally a few years
rosion incident: filling or within first year. into operation or
here are also rockfill after several years.
dams where incidents
occurred years into
However, first signs of internal erosion may also occur
decades into operation (irrespective of dam zoning).
ossible Increase in leakage
early-warning sign:
Muddy leakage
Pore-pressure variations
Possible warning-time Account for the majority Generally months or
between first sign of dams with no warning, longer between first
nd internal erosion or up to days–weeks sign and the incident.
incident: “warning-time”.
However, there are also
ockfill dams where there
have been months or
onger “warning-time”.
Location of internal Higher incidence where dams:
erosion incident: i) Abut to concrete structures and/or sheet pile walls
ii) Are placed on ir regular foundation.
Time between early-warning sign
and internal erosion incident
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Number of cases
No warning time
Days-weeks ahead
onths ahead
Rockfill dams Earthfill dams Homogenous section
Figure 5: Possible warning-time before the internal erosion incident (sinkhole)