Once the location for a dam has been decided, the forgoing analyses
are important to help determine the Design Avalanche with which to
help estimate the appropriate size and shape of a dam or mound.
In applying design criteria, the sensitivity of results to various param-
eters and awareness of where uncertainties lie in theory, analysis methods
and data should all be borne in mind. The design process can use the
avalanche analysis calculations for an initial, simplified estimate of dam
height and to help develop early ideas of geometry. To that end, the pro-
fusion of possible design variable should be omitted, initially.
Afterward, more complex design modelling might be undertaken
by gradually, and increasingly, including the variables to build the
numerical simulations that are based on depth-average equations and
shock-capturing algorithms. The design work can help establish the
dam height, length, width and geometry of a dam. For catching dams
it is also important to estimate the storage capacity available on the
upstream slope, on top of the existing snow cover.
Design work will also establish the ‘critical dam height’, defined as
the maximum height of the obstacle (above snow cover) that changes
the avalanche from supercritical to subcritical flow state as the snow
passes over the crest. By adding the upstream flow depth then the
minimum physical height of the dam to arrest the flow can be esti-
mated. Designs based on such a shallow fluid dynamics approach of
the avalanche core should be viewed as the minimum requirement,
say researchers.
The design, though, assumes no loss of momentum in the ava-
lanche during its impact with the dam. Yet the reduction in kinetic
energy has been shown to be significant in tests, such as chute experi-
ments with granular materials, and snow. The tests with glass beads
show that where the upstream faces of dams have angles of at least 60
degrees to the terrain they have similar efficiency in dissipating energy
to those built perpendicular to the slope. Angles of 30 degrees were
found to be less efficient.
However, when seeking a basis for assessing momentum reduction
in a design then there is considerable uncertainty in applying results
from chute tests to full-scale dams when examination the reduced
in velocity up the faces. Test data seem to overestimate the reduc-
tion. Whatever value of the momentum reduction factor is adopted
in supercritical flow analysis, it is catching dam design that has most
sensitivity to the parameter, according to chute tests.
Designs of braking mounds draws upon limited field evidence, so far,
to describe their effectiveness but laboratory experiments show that,
at least using granular materials, they can reduce avalanche speed and
also shorten run-out distances. However, there are no accepted design
guidelines for the structures.
Experiments with braking mounds have only got underway seri-
ously in recent years but they are viewed as having a similar effect to
baffle blocks and piers in stilling basins at impounding dams.
Researchers suggest that, measured above snow cover, mounds
should be up to three times as thick as the dense core of a wet-snow
avalanche. They further suggest the mounds should be designed with
steep upstream and sides faces, and the aspect ratio kept close to
unity. A row of short mounds is taken to be more effective for energy
dissipation than fewer, wider structures. Subsequent rows should
have their mounds in staggered patterns, though data suggest they
are less effective in reducing velocity than the first, uphill line.
Aside from their safety functions, of course, the avalanche defence
structures need to fit well into the local landscape. They can have
large environmental and visual impacts, notes the EC report, and so
integration is important when designing such structures to be near
settlements, in particular.
The EC report has a data set with 22 events, mostly from Norway, of
the run-up of snow avalanches to man-made dams (six) and natural
obstacles. Avalanche events ranged in volumes estimate at 15,000m
to 800,000m
, the impact velocities were calculated to be 20m/sec-
70m/sec and the vertical run-up the structures was 7m-90m.
Many of the obstacles are on rather steep terrain. While the run-up
for many of the events fall within the ranges predicted by supercriti-
cal flow analyses there are several that were higher. However, the
verification exercise also showed the uncertainty in the estimates from
only moderate ranges in flow depth (1m-3m) and velocity (+/- 15%)
producing large variations in run-up of the dense core. The greatest
sensitivity is to velocity.
The report notes that ‘the rather wide spread of the data points
compared with the assumed uncertainty of the theoretical predictions
clearly indicates an incomplete understanding of the dynamics of the
impact process.’ Damage may occur considerably higher than the
run-up of the dense core, and some field data marks are believed to
have been caused by the impacts of fluidised layers or powder clouds.
There are virtually no observations of the interaction of powder snow
avalanches with man-made dams, however, though inferences are
drawn from impacts on natural obstacles.
Further research is needed on a number of fronts to take forward the
understanding and design of avalanche dams and braking mounds.
The EC report identifies the following key areas for study: momen-
tum reduction from impacts; maximum deflecting angle; the effect of
terrain slope on the design; entrainment and deposition effects; and,
the effects of the fluidised layer and powder cloud, which are ignored
in analysis focused on the dense core.
In addition, study is needed into inconsistencies in field data, or
at least greater variability than anticipated. More complete physical
descriptions of lateral and longitudinal interactions within the ava-
lanche snow mass during impact also need to be developed.
For deflecting dams, a larger data set is needed to judge if empirical
adjustments of calculated run-up can help improve estimates. There is
also a view among researchers, which can be examined further, that
less flexibility should be allowed in selecting model parameters as this
will help reduce subjectivity.
A copy of the EC report “The Design of Avalanche
Protection Dams: recent practical and theoretical
developments” can be downloaded from:
Left: A photograph of the snow hitting a 60cm high catching dam in the 34m long
chute at Weissfluhjoch (Hákonardóttir and others, 2003d). A part of the dam broke
during this experiment as seen on the photograph. Courtesy of the EC