IWP&DC brings you details on some of the latest product developments
in the hydro power and dam construction industry
Eliminating grease lines and fittings
Scanning sonars assist underwater searches
MANY BEARINGS are located in difficult areas
and greasing them can be a tough task. Over the
years, new technologies have emerged to help
reduce time spent on greasing bearings. Grease lines
and fittings help to get to those difficult areas that
are hard-to-reach but just a crucial as the rest. An
automatic grease lubrication system can also free up
a significant amount of time for maintenance that
could be used to focus on other aspects of the plant.
In either situation, it is still necessary to apply grease
and spend time on cleaning; grease can leak, be
messy and must be attended to in order to decrease
polluting or corroding other materials. There are
options for greaseless bearings that eliminate com-
plex lubrication systems and undesired cleaning in
a number of areas throughout a plant.
Columbia Industrial Products offers self-lubricat-
ing materials, CIP Composites, for bearing and wear
applications. These composite materials eliminate
the need for grease and reduce maintenance in high
load and slow speed applications. As a laminated,
polyester based composite, manufactured with solid
lubricants, CIP Composites have low coefficients of
friction in both wet and dry running applications.
CIP Hydro Composite is a proprietary material
blend of textiles and additives, designed specifically
for inside the generating plant. CIP Hydro has been
tested with excellent friction and wear results along
with excellent performance when edge loaded at
Power Tech Labs (Surrey, Canada), says the com-
pany. This 100% bearing material, which has no
fiberglass or metallic shell, is stable where shock
and misalignment may be present. Manufactured
with no abrasive filler, such as calcium carbonate,
CIP Hydro has been designed to be non-abrasive
to mating surfaces, with a long wear life and easy
to machine.
Where long wear life is a requirement in the
high loaded bearings with limited rotation, such
as wicket gates and their linking mechanisms, this
is one of many applications where the lubrication
system can be eliminated. For every wicket gate
there are three possible bushings where CIP Hydro
can be installed and the grease fittings removed.
CIP Hydro can be installed by freeze or press fitting
with the option to machine in place. With options
of eccentric inner diameters, the composites are
custom manufactured to customer specifications.
One unit at the John Day Dam (Columbia River,
US) has replaced all wicket gate bearings and link
bushings, eliminated grease and applied a new coat
of paint. CIP Hydro bushings, flange bearings and
thrust washers were installed during refurbishment
of this particular unit.
In other units and power plants, CIP Hydro has
been utilized as operating ring wear pads, servo-
motor connecting rod bushings, screen bushings/
wear pads, pump bearings, lock and control gate
bushings, and trunnion bearings. At Foster Dam
(Oregon, US) the US Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) decided to use CIP Hydro as a replace-
ment of the original bronze trunnion bushing and
graphite plugged bronze thrust washer on the spill-
way gates. “We had three reasons for choosing self-
lubricating materials,” said Ronald S Wridge, chief
of mechanical design section of the USACE Portland
District. “First trunnion friction will be reduced by
upwards of 50 percent. Second they eliminate or
significantly reduce maintenance requirements for
the trunnion. And third, this eliminates the envi-
ronmental issues associated with using grease near
a waterway.” (Hydro Review, May 2009).
SCANNING SONAR is fast becoming one of the
tools of choice for underwater search operations
by a diverse group that includes public safety dive
teams, universities, and commercial diving compa-
nies. Scanning sonars are in demand because they
create a “picture” of the underwater environment
regardless of water clarity. Although these sonars
lack the long range and very high resolution of side
scan, they can often still give a larger picture of the
underwater environment than that of an underwater
camera or diver. Even in areas where there is zero
visibility, the sonar can produce a detailed image of
objects on the bottom or in the water column.
Scanning sonar works by transmitting a sound
wave from a transducer. This sonar beam sweeps
an area underwater much like radar does in air.
The beam reflects off underwater objects and
returns to the transducer where it is received and
sent to a topside computer for display and storage.
Other information can be saved with the sonar
data such as GPS coordinates and notes made by
the operator.
The operator controls the size of the search area
through the computer. The sonar beam can sweep
a 360 degree circle around the transducer or any
portion of the circle.
Another reason scanning sonar is so popular
is its versatility. It can be operated as a “stand-
alone” search system or mounted on an ROV.
With the stand-alone version, the transducer is
lowered from a boat on a pole, or mounted on a
tripod and lowered to the bottom. After an area
is searched, the sonar is retrieved and moved to a
new area where the process is repeated.
With the ROV mounted version, as the underwa-
ter vehicle moves slowly along the sonar continu-
ally scans the course ahead. The sonar can “see” a
much greater distance than the camera which lets
the operator navigate around obstacles and helps
in guiding the vehicle toward the target. Once it’s
within visual range the ROV’s camera can take over
and perform a close up inspection.
The University of Alaska is using a JW Fisher
ROV with scanning sonar to help in its study of
marine ecosystems. The school is part of a national
cooperative program that promotes research in
the management of fish and wildlife. It also has a
Coastal Marine Institute. As part of an agreement
between the university and the US Department of
the Interior’s Minerals Management Service, the
institute’s researchers explore coastal sites and
assess the potential for development of natural
gas, oil, and minerals.
Fishers scanning sonars are available in two types;
the SCAN-650A designed for use as a stand-alone
search system or for mounting on larger ROVs, and
the SCAN-650B for use on smaller ROVs.
Scanning sonar image of car on a river bottom;
Inset photo – SeaOtter-2 ROV with sonar trans-
ducer mounted on top