the other Channel Islands regarding coop-
eration on exporting elec tricity f rom tidal
power schemes and indeed it would make
commercial sense to develop a shared inter-
connection with the French grid.
While the Channel Is lands boast some of
the best tidal power potential in Europe,
there are numerous other site s around the
UK that have the potential to turn the coun-
try into the world leader in such technolo-
ies. Indeed, both London and the Scottish
government appear to have grasped the
potential of tidal and wave power, both to
provide low carbon, high security generat-
ing capacity and to create a new hi-tech
sector and much needed employment. In the
early 1 980s, the UK had th e potential to
lead the way on wind power technology but
government support was withd rawn,
enabling German and Danish firms to dom-
inate the industry. London is keen not to
make the same mistake again and is pro-
viding a range of financial incentives to tidal
power investors.
Scotland’s tidal power potential has long
been discussed but it has taken rather too
long to move from optim istic a cademic
research to developing commercially viable
projects. However, the Scottish govern-
ment has steadily provided more financial
suppor t a nd a stri ng of pro jects are now
under development. All are on a small scale
but mo st are being designed wi th rapid
expansion in mind. Estimates published by
the Scottish government suggest that there
is more than 20GW of tidal power poten-
tial along its west coast and around the
islands, f rom the Shetland Islands and
Orkney, down the west co ast to Kintyre
and Galloway.
A development agency, H ighlands and
Islands Enterprise (HIE), is funding a study
by Aquaterr a to survey the tidal potenti al
around Orkney and in the Pentland Fi rth,
and applications for tidal projects have
already been invited. A 2MW turb ine is
being tes ted in the Pentland Firth by
Atlantis Resources Corporation of Hong
Kong. In December, the company
announced that it had signed a memoran-
dum of understanding with CLP Group of
China to develop ti dal power t urbines for
commercial projects, although no financial
details of the deal were revealed. Atlantis
and HIE also plan to set up a central tidal
data centre in Caithness to provide techni-
cal information.
Marine Current Turbines, which was
mentioned e arlier in relation t o Guernsey
Electricity, is confident that its SeaGen tur-
bine will be ready for widespread distrib-
ution in the near future. In December, the
turbine, which produces ele ctricity for up
to 22 hours a day, operated at its maxi-
mum capacity of 1. 2MW for the first time
at the Strangford Lough site, which the
co mpany claim s is “the highest power so
far produced by a tidal stream system any-
where in t he world”.
The managing director of Marine Current
Turbines, Martin Wright, commented:
“Generating at full power is an important
milestone for the company and in particular
our in-house engineering team. It demon-
strates, for the first time, the commercial
potential of tidal energy as a viable alterna-
tive source of renewable energy. SeaGen is
now running exactly as we said it would, but
testing will continue to be carried out, not
only to check SeaGen’s performance over
xtended periods of operation but also to
evaluate how components are standing up to
the harsh conditions and to determine how
the design might be improved.”
While most interest in British tidal energy
is concentrated on western coas ts, some
investment is being made on the North Sea
coast. E xperime ntal units are being tested
near Immingham in the Humber Estuary by
Pulse Tidal that could generate electricity
in areas not ge nerally considered suitable
for tidal schemes. In a statement, the com-
pany a rgued: “Much of the tidal resource
in UK waters and elsewhere is less than
20m deep and is not suitable for technolo-
gies based on rotating turbines . Shallow
sites tend to be closer to shore where instal-
lation, connection and maintenance
become more straightforward than in
remote locations.”
Yet like South Korea, the UK has its own
ambitions for jumbo tidal power projects.
The most high profile potential site is the
Severn Estuary, which has the second high-
est tidal range in the world. A 16km barrier
across the entire estuary has been mooted
that would cost £19.6B-22.2B (US$27.6B-
31.2B) and provide generating capacity of up
to 8.6GW, making it by far the biggest tidal
energy scheme in the world.
However, it is feared that such a structure
would have a detrimental environmental
impact over a wide area of the estuary and
the Severn Basin. Opponents argue that a
more modes t scheme based on a series of
lagoons around the es tuary to be filled at
high tide would be more economical than a
single barrier. The government appointed
engineering fir m P arsons Brinckerhoff to
help assess the various designs and a short-
list of the five most attractive schemes was
published at the end of January (see news
story p5). A three month public consultation
on the five designs is currently underway.
Elsewhere in the world, tidal power is play-
ing a more modest role in the dash for
renewable s, but there are great hopes for
alternative tidal power technology in Italy.
A 500kW unit is being tested by Fri-El
Green Power in the Straits of Messina,
which separates Sicily from mainland Italy.
When developed on a commercia l scale,
each unit will comprise a floating platform
that is attached to the sea bed and which
has four cables connected to it. Each cable
is kept on the surface of the sea by five
buoys and has five 4m turbines attached to
it that provide 1.2MW generating capacity
on each cable. A spokesperson for the com-
pany said: “These tidal power plants are an
economica l way of pr oducing electri city.
The system is comparatively inexpensive to
build and also to maintain, not least because
it is based on modules, which can also be
easily transported.”
Water speeds in the test area reach 2.5m a
second and change direction every six hours
ut the turbines have been designed to allow
the blades to move 180 degrees to capture
energy in both directions. The company
hopes that its technology can be deployed on
a large scale to provide base load energy,
while in the longer term it expects that it can
be deployed far out to sea. At present, it has
proved uneconomical to locate such devices
more than 100km from the coast but Fri-El
Green Power aims to use electrolysis to turn
the energy produced into hydrogen, which
could then be collected by tanker to be
shipped to the mainland.
The Canadian province of Nova Scotia is
reputed to have the highest tides in the world
and so it is not surprising that it will be home
to Canada’s first commercial tidal power
venture. Three companies, Nova Scotia
Power, Minas Basin Pulp and Power
Company, and Clean Current Power Systems
are to each invest $10-15M in testing their
own turbines in the Bay of Fundy. The chief
executive of Clean Current Power Systems,
Glen Darou, commented: “Tides are better
the farther you are from the equator, so
Canada is in a good position. Tidal energy
really has some special features because the
tides are cyclical, which gives you pre-
dictability. When it comes to energy, that is
very attractive.” The government of British
Colombia is also assessing its tidal potential
on the opposite side of the country, on the
Pacific coast.
It is clear from the wide range of investors
and new proj ects under development that
tidal power is coming of age. It remains to
be seen whether the industry will become a
mainstream element in the generation mix
of any country but technological advances
are bringing pro duction costs down at a
time when governments are becoming
increasingly concerned about energy secu-
rity and fluctuating oil and gas prices. Yet
while power production costs coul d be
competitive with thermal power pla nts on
highly prospective sites such as the Severn
Estuary, the environmental implications of
such major projects will need careful assess-
ment. Smaller scale ventures, particularly
those that do not require barriers overcome
this obstacle but generate electricity at a far
higher cost. The real challenge for the indus-
try will be to demonstrate, as the wind
power sector has done, that mass produc-
tion of a range of different technologies can
bring down produc tion costs to a more
sustainable level.