r To build capacity within selected areas (MSc and PhD students).
r To disseminate information and project results in Norway and
The HydroPEAK project consists of eight work packages, most of
them include a PhD or PostDoc since the intention is not only to do
useful research, but also to build up new research capacity and con-
tribute to the recruitment of experts for the hydropower sector. There
are six PhD students and one Post-Doc in the project, the rst started
already in 2009, while the last two will start up by the end of 2010.
HydroPEAK’s project leader is Professor Ånund Killingtveit
(aanund.killingtveit@ntnu.no). The project has a budget of 37 Mill
NOK (US$6.2M) and it will be nished in 2014. It is nanced by 50%
from the Norwegian Research Council, 25% from the hydropower
industry and 25% in kind contributions from the research institutions.
A brief description of the main content in each WP is given below.
WP1: Scenarios and dissemination
The main purpose is to generate scenarios for future development of the
renewable capacity in Europe and its impact on the hydropower system
in Norway. Technical, economic and social premises for a ‘hydrope-
aking’ regime/market and important benets and drawbacks will be
discussed. The scenarios will be a framework for discussion and coordi-
nation in the project. A group of interested users and scientists will par-
ticipate in the scenario formulations and later meet at regular intervals
to contribute advice and recommendations during the project.
Project leader: Eivind Solvang (Eivind.Solvang@sintef.no)
WP2: Hydrology
Anticipating increased demands from non-regulated energy production,
the management of hydropower reservoirs for peaking or load balanc-
ing will require improved inow prognosis tools for both long term
management and short-term peaking operation, including ood man-
agement. Emphasis is set on improving these tools for short-term step
simulation and improved model updating from observational data.
Project leader: Sjur Kolberg (Sjur.A.Kolberg@sintef.no)
WP3:The impact of short term effects on long term hydro scheduling
The increased variability of hydropower is not well represented in the
long term scheduling models in use today. The limited representation
of short term effects in these models may increasingly lead to incor-
rect water values and a non-optimal long term use of the reservoirs.
Activities in this work package include: i) Taking into account the
turbine related costs of rapid variations ii) A better representation of
time delays, also for discharge and bypass constraints iii) The repre-
sentation of new types of environmentally based and more dynamic
constraints and iv) Reserve markets
Project leader: Gerard Doorman (Gerard.Doorman@elkraft.ntnu.no )
WP4: Pumped storage plants
Reversible pump turbines (RPT) are well suited for load governing
and also for grid support regarding frequency and voltage governing.
Increased amount of non-governing power will result in a major change
in operation of the Norwegian RPT-plants. Today’s RPT plants are not
able to meet the challenge of changing between pump- turbine and con-
denser mode fast enough to meet the demands on the grid. Topics to be
investigated are i) Evaluate the demands for change in modes of opera-
tions ii) System dynamic evaluation of existing RPT-plants iii) Develop
effective systems for altering between pumping and turbining.
Project Leader: Torbjørn Nielsen (torbjorn.nielsen@ntnu.no )
WP5: Frequency and load governing
A more varying power marked as well as a more dominating element
of non-governing power, will challenge the existing governing and
control systems. The governing stability is initially robust with good
stability margins. Wind power will not contribute positive and result
in reduced stability margins. The water power system will be exposed
to more rapid and more frequent load changes which will result in
pressure surges in penstocks and conduit system. Already there have
been incidents causing higher loads on equipment and increased sand
erosion. In quite a few occasions, mass oscillations have been the
cause for emptying sand traps through the machinery.
Project Leader: Torbjørn Nielsen (torbjorn.nielsen@ntnu.no )
WP6: Effects of load uctuation on tunnels and associated hydraulic
Transients may destabilise the tunnel roadway and scour deposits from
sand traps, resulting in sand transport and turbine damage, and also
destabilise entrapped air pockets resulting in blow outs. Pore pres-
sure variations may destabilise the rock mass and trigger rock falls.
Hydropower intakes and tunnels are generally poorly instrumented
and monitored, and hence reliable data on loss of water, friction losses,
air and sediment problems are virtually non-existent. In order to study
the hydraulics of tunnel systems it is also necessary to develop reliable
monitoring methods. Project Leader: Leif Lia (Leif.Lia@ntnu.no )
WP7: Physical effects of load uctuations in rivers and reservoirs
Fluctuating water levels may destabilise banks along lakes and rivers
and trigger slides. Frequent ood waves may increase scouring. In
total this may lead to increased sediment and nutrient transport. Also,
hydraulic structures like dams, weirs, bridges and revetments etc will
be subjected to frequent uctuations in hydraulic loadings which may
have a destabilising effect. A general increase in the variability of river
ow and more frequent oods due to climate change is likely to inten-
sify these problems. Project Leader: (Nils.Ruther@ntnu.no )
WP8: Ice problems in rivers
A more uctuating production schedule could have adverse impacts
on ice conditions, particularly if periods with low production permits
an ice cover to form which is subsequently broken when releases are
increased (mechanical ice-breakup). Also, predicted climate change
towards a warmer winter climate is expected to create more frequent
changes between ice forming periods and mild periods with increased
river ow resulting in ice break up and ice-runs, especially in unregu-
lated rivers. This could lead to more frequent ice runs which will have
negative impacts both on the environment and on technical installa-
tions on the river, for example hydro intakes, bridges and revetments.
Project Leader: Knut Alfredsen (knut.alfredsen@ntnu.no )
Both CEDREN and the HydroPEAK project have been planned in close
cooperation with users, both within the hydropower industry, consult-
ants and the energy and water management institutions in Norway. A
number of national and international partners in Norway, the Nordic
countries, Europe and North-America are participating actively or as
advisors. User groups are set up in all projects to disseminate informa-
tion and get user feedback at all levels. Most of the research involves
eldwork and lab work, and the increased funding of laboratory and
eld data collection equipment is an important contribution to improve
research quality and to recruit MSc- and PhD-students.
Ånund Killingtveit is a Professor of Hydrology and Water
Resources Engineering, Department of Hydraulic and
Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology. N-7491 Trondheim, Norway.
Email: aanund.killingtvei
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