border station, and was completed in 1990. It is owned and operat-
ed by a small private corporation and sells power to the Federal and
provincial consumers of power at Fraser. The Rancheria 155kW
microhydro plant in the Yukon Territory was also installed in 1990,
and is also privately owned (by the operator of the Rancheria Lodge
and RV Park). The 2MW Pine Creek hydropower plant in Atlin,
BC, came online in April 2009.
Yukon Energy’s 20-year resource plan (Yukon Energy
Corporation, 2006) states that the two industrial sectors of
mining and gas pipeline development will drive future electricity
demand. In the mid-1990s, the report Yukon Energy Resources:
Hydro (Yukon Economic Development, 1997) listed eleven unde-
veloped small hydroelectric sites (each under 10MW of potential)
that were considered feasible, shown in Table 2, partly due to
their proximity to existing transmission lines. Note that the total
installed capacity of all these undeveloped hydroelectric sites,
43.9MW, would still not equal the current diesel installed capac-
ity of 52MW, but the additional hydropower would go a long
way toward displacing almost all diesel electric generation in the
Yukon Territory.
Other hydro projects were also considered in the past such as
Chutla Creek and Tank Creek near Carcross (on the Whitehorse-
Aishihik-Faro, or WAF, power grid); and Copper Joe Creek, Nines
Creek and the Donjek River, all near the (diesel-electric) communi-
ties of Burwash Landing and Destruction Bay (about 30km apart
and sharing the same diesel plant). Currently Yukon Energy is plan-
ning the “Mayo B” project which will more than double the output
of the Mayo hydro plant (at Wareham dam) by building a new
powerhouse 3km downstream of the existing powerhouse ( http:// ). Another option cur-
rently being considered is called the Southern Lakes Enhancement,
which would utilize Atlin Lake as a reservoir for the Marsh Lake/
Yukon River system that supplies the Whitehorse Rapids hydro
facility in Whitehorse (
Both Atlin Lake and Marsh Lake would be used for greater
seasonal storage to supply more hydro and for the peak demand
months of December and January. The environmental impacts of
such altered hydrology would require substantial study for better
In Alaska, there are several small-scale conventional hydro-
power proposals presently being pursued within the Yukon River
watershed. Contrary to previous trends noted above, these projects
have been driven primarily not by industrial demand, but by a
need for clean and affordable power to displace diesel generation
in remote communities. In 2008, as the Alaska state government
was reaping the windfall of high oil prices which produced sig-
nicant tax revenues, the state legislature established the Alaska
Renewable Energy Fund (AREF) with a $100M investment, fol-
lowed by $25M in 2009.
The AREF has funded both feasibility studies and preliminary
construction of small hydropower throughout Alaska, includ-
ing some projects in the Yukon River watershed. Golden Valley
Electric Association received AREF funding to study the Little
Gerstle site on the Tanana River, and a run-of-river site on the
Nenana River. The Alaska Power and Telephone Company
(AP&T) also received AREF funding for design and construction
costs of the Yerrick Creek hydro development near Tok. AP&T
has previously developed village-scale (2-10MW), high head, low
impact hydropower in other parts of Alaska, namely the Southeast,
as well as projects in Central America, and are now bringing this
expertise to the Yukon River watershed. As of the time of writing,
the state of Alaska’s 2010 investment in the AREF has not yet
been determined.
Because many isolated small communities in the watershed still rely
on costly diesel power as well as local resources such as sh, a vari-
ety of small-scale, low impact hydroelectric technologies are attract-
ing great interest, including in-stream, or hydrokinetic turbines that
do not require dams or diversions of water. In the summer of 2008,
a 5kW hydrokinetic turbine was installed in the Yukon River village
of Ruby, Alaska – one of the rst in-stream turbines successfully
installed in the US. Other Yukon watershed-based hydrokinetic
projects in Alaska include planned installations in the communi-
ties of Nenana, Eagle, Tanana, and Whitestone, and at least one
project slated for the Canadian side of the watershed. All of these
projects are in various stages of planning, permitting, design, and/
or installation.
The Ruby project has provided valuable information regarding
“proof of concept” for the viability of in-stream hydrokinetic power
generation and has also identied challenges that will need to be
overcome before widespread deployment occurs. Specically, the
5kW turbine installed at Ruby by the Yukon River Inter-Tribal
Watershed Council ( and designed and manufac-
tured by New Energy Corporation ( based
in Calgary, Alberta, incorporated an inverter that was originally
used for wind energy projects.
The inverter software was successfully adapted for expected
power parameters more typical of a slow moving river than rap-
idly changing wind currents. This system properly integrated into
the village’s diesel electric grid, thus demonstrating the technical
feasibility of the technology. Alternatively, mechanical diversion
of stream debris without obstructing river ow and cost-effective
anchoring of the turbine and support structure in the fastest moving
part of the river still present challenges to this particular installation
and all in-stream hydrokinetic projects on the Yukon River. Impacts
to migrating and resident sh populations are another ongoing area
of investigation.
The hydrokinetic project proposed in Eagle, Alaska, by AP&T is
in nal design stages and will also use a New Energy Corporation
in-stream turbine, but instead of a 5kW version like in Ruby, this
will be a 25kW turbine. Both of these turbines employ a unique
design that incorporates a robust, slow moving, vertical axis turbine
housed on a pontoon boat that aims for minimal impact to sh and
durability from the elements.
Both the Ruby and Eagle projects, if successful, would eventu-
ally include a series of turbines that could meet a large portion of
the community’s electrical load during the ice-free summer months,
thus allowing diesel generators to be completely turned off much of
the time and only starting up when high demand exceeds the power
production of the hydrokinetic turbines. This would require sophis-
ticated switchgear to integrate the diesel generators and hydroki-
netic turbines, but such technology is already available and in use
in Alaska villages integrating wind turbines and diesel generators.
Because the Yukon River freezes in the winter, hydrokinetic tur-
bines such as these, set in pontoon boats anchored to the bottom of
the river, would need to be removed from approximately October
through mid-May. Maintaining anchors over the winter such that
they would not need to be re-set each spring is another area of cur-
rent investigation.
The hydrokinetic project planned for Nenana, Alaska, is a col-
laboration among numerous entities, including the University
of Alaska, Ocean Renewable Power Company, Yukon River
Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, and the municipal and Tribal
governments co-located in Nenana. As envisioned, this will be
a full-blown research project with a test bed for various turbine
technologies and anchoring systems. Currently, the research has
focused on site characterization, effective means of mechanical
debris diversion, anchoring systems, and sh impacts. The rst
turbine that is slated for installation in the summer of 2011 or
2012 is a helical, cross flow design with an estimated output
of 50kW manufactured by Ocean Renewable Power Company
While potentially using different technology, all of these projects
in Alaska employ a low environmental impact, robust technology
approach to meeting community energy needs based on similar
imperatives and design criteria, including: relatively slow moving,
high volume water; high conventional energy costs; protection