topping of seasonal floods lasted 81 days, from 13 July 2007 (see
Figure 4) to 2 October 2007. The combined diversion capacity (esti-
mated to peak at a maximum of 1313m
/sec) spilled over the two
dam low blocks with s mall releases fro m the Diversion Tunnel
Bonnet Gate, as shown in Figures 5 and 6.
The basic design of arch dams is founded upon standard principles
whereby a series of rigid structures – blocks or cantilevers – are con-
nected together by grouting of the contraction joints to form a single
rigid structure that can resist water loads in arch action. For ana-
lytical purposes, the Engineer assumes that the weight of the struc-
ure or dead load is transferred vertically within each cantilever to
the foundation. The reservoir or live load is then added after dam
completion and all contraction joints are grouted. These loads are
then distributed to the foundation by a combination of both arch
and cantilever action.
During the initial design phase of most arch dams, the final con-
struction schedule, with the associated economic issues, are usual-
ly not clearly defined to the dam designer. The dam designer usually
assumes that the dam cantilevers are constructed, the joints grout-
ed, then the water loads applied, in that order. The impacts due to
any deviations from usual design practice must be carefully weighed
by the des igner. With larger arch dams (such as at Tekeze), that
have construction periods that span three years, the designer may
have to consider the staged placement of concrete, the staged grout-
ing of the contraction joints, and even the staged filling of the reser-
voir. The single purpose of the Tekeze hydr o p ower project is to
generate electricity. To achieve this purpose in the shortest possi-
ble p eriod of time, EEPCO expected the res ervoir to be filled as
early as possible. In doing so, additional dam analyses are manda-
tory, and necessary to quantify the effects of stress re-distribution
within the dam and foundation.
After considerable studies and reanalysis, in May of 2007, nearly
two years prior to completion of the concrete arch dam, the river
diversion was closed, resulting in over 3Bm
of water retained early
during the 2007 and 2008 wet seasons. This allowed the project to
begin generation sooner than would have been the case had the
reservoir impoundment started after the completion of the entir e
dam, and grouting of the contraction joints. The first filling of the
reservoir represents the most complex and challenging activity of
the entire implementation period. During this t ime, structur al
responses from the various structures constantly change as reservoir
loads are applied, foundation conditions constantly change as the
surrounding rock is subjected to groundwater for the first time in
possibly millions of years, completion works will change geometry
of structures and their ability to carry reservoir loads, and design
assumptions for all structures must be confirmed. Some adjustments
are inevitable. All these activities were safely and successfully car-
ried out, concurrent with reservoir impoundment, to achieve the
single purpose of generating electricity early at Tekeze.
It is not until the completed structures are put into service that
the res ults of the efforts of EEPCO, the Dam Engineers, and the
Contractor will be truly confirmed. For the dam, powerhouse and
all appurtenant structures, this confirmation occurs when the reser-
voir is impounded and live loads are applied to all structures.
Previous studies of the effects of staged grouting of the Aurora dam
(done by the USBR in 1977) indicated a re-distribution and
increase of compressive stress in the dam’s cantilevers of approxi-
mately 4%. This redistribution of dead load reduces the confining
stress in the lower blocks of the dam and impacts the resistance of
the dam to cracking at its base. Next, because the ultimate reser-
voir or live loads are carried to the foundation by arching action,
partial filling of the reservoir prior to completion will initiate the
arching action of the uncompleted dam, resulting in possible clo-
sure of the upper un-grouted joints and redistribution of both can-
tilever and arch stresses throughout the dam and foundation. After
the 2008 impoundment at Tekeze, some reduct ion of th e upper
contraction jo int openings did occur, making it m ore difficult to
Table 3: Mechanical and electrical
works in the Powerhouse –
Lots 4 and 5
Feature Dimension/Quantity Unit
Francis Turbines 4 No.
Minimum net head 120.0 m
Maximum net head 162.8 m
Unit Design Head 155 m
Power output at maximum net head 75.0 MW
Manufacturer – Dongfang China
enerators and auxiliar y systems 4 No.
Stator core inner diameter 5,500 mm
Shaft diameter 750 mm
ated output with class F temperature rises 86.7 MVA
ated voltage 13.8 kV
ated power factor 0.9 p.u.
Table 4: Reservoir and hydrology
Reservoir and Hydrology Dimension/ Unit
Catchment Area 30,390 km
Mean Annual Rainfall 850 mm
Mean Annual Inflow 3,750 Mm
10 year return peak flood 1,940 m
Maximum Normal Operating Level 1140 m
Minimum Operating Level 1096 m
Total Storage (@ EL. 1140) 9,310 Mm
Active Storage 5,343 Mm
Spillway Capacity (4 LLO Radial Gates @ EL. 1140) 4,416 m
Estimated Reservoir Annual Evaporation Losses 1,921 mm
Firm Annual Energy 981 GWh/yr
Average Annual Generation 1,393 GWh/yr
Figure 3 – View of the dam from upstream,
taken during the May 2007 diversion tunnel closure