36 The Smallest Enclosing Circle 359
The 13 representatives, a set R
, are chosen, and they meet and agree
on their most preferred location s
and the corresponding radius r
of the
smallest circle enclosing R
Less surprisingly, even this encounters resistance. Again, there are many
houses standing outside the circle determined as a solution for R
Now, we should take into account that the municipality has not yet secured
the sources for financing of the new fire-service building. Therefore they like
the decision-making process – they are actually glad when this procedure does
not lead quickly, if at all, to a conclusion satisfactory for everyone.
So the result of the second round is rejected as well. For the next round,
the number of entries is doubled for every house standing outside the second
circle. If there is a house out of the circle for both the solutions determined
so far, then it gets in return four tickets in the polling urn!
Round three proceeds as before.
Et cetera, et cetera.
It becomes a routine. The circle-finding emerges as a popular entertain-
ment, not least because the municipality provides food and drinks. It is no
longer disappointing to be out of the announced circle, as the proposal would
not be realized anyway and the chance of participating in the next meet-
ing grows. The polling urn swells up, but the municipal secretary has soon
arranged for an electronic sortition (encouraged by Chap. 25 on random num-
But then, after 13 representatives have met again and proposed a solution,
which is the best for themselves, and themselves only, something unexpected
happens. No house is outside the calculated circle. The information spreads
quickly and a speedily obtained expertise confirms what all have guessed: This
must be the smallest circle enclosing all points. A circle enclosing all points
cannot be smaller than a circle enclosing only 13 points after all.
The optimum location is found!
Have we been lucky that the chosen representatives were so successful, or
should we have been expecting it? The latter: We have learned a randomized
(i.e., based on randomness) algorithm developed by Kenneth Clarkson. It
calculates the smallest enclosing circle for n points. It can be shown that the
procedure computes the circle with probability 1 and the expected number of
rounds is in fact only logarithmic in n. It is necessary not to set the sizes of the
randomly chosen subsets too small (in our story 13) – though 13 is enough,
independent of how big n is. In the same way, it is also possible to calculate
the smallest enclosing ball of points in 3-dimensional space or even in higher
dimensions (only the random sample must be somewhat bigger depending on
the dimension).