So, the wave equation (4.41) describes a wave propagation aroused by the
perturbing force (s), thus the velocity of the acoustic wave propagation is c =
Let’s note, that by using the known solution (4.41) p = p(x, t) it is possible
by the integration of the equation (4.38) at ∇∇p
= 0 to obtain a field of velocities
v = v(x, t):
v(x, t) = v(x, t
) −
p(x, τ )dτ.
The law of the propagation of an acoustic signal (4.41) can be introduced now in
the operator form, similarly to the law of elastic waves propagation (4.16): Lϕ = s,
here L ⇒ ∆ − [c
, ϕ ⇒ p, s ⇒ ∇∇ · s.
4.3 Wave Electromagnetic Fields in Geoelectrics and Ionospheric
The electromagnetic methods of the prospecting are based on the influence of the
medium parameters on the propagation of electromagnetic fields. The primary
electromagnetic fields can be excited, passing an alternating current through a loop
composed of many coils of a wire, or large loop. An occurrence of secondary electro-
magnetic fields is an echo of the medium. The arising fields can be registered with
the help of alternating currents induced by them in a receiving loop under influenc-
ing of an electromagnetic induction. The primary electromagnetic field is diffused
from a generating loop to the receiver loop both above and under the ground sur-
face. These fields at the propagating in the presence of a homogeneous medium
have a small difference. But at the presence of a conductive body of a magnetic
component of the electromagnetic field, penetrating on the medium, induces in the
body the eddy currents. The eddy currents generate a natural secondary electro-
magnetic field, coming to a measuring device, which one fixes the signals of primary
and secondary fields. These signals differ both on a phase, and on an amplitude
from a signal produced by only the primary field. Such distinctions between trans-
mitted and received signals of electromagnetic fields are conditioned by the presence
of a conductor and carry the information on its geometrical and electric properties
(Zhdanov et al., 1988).
The anomalous areas with a high conductivity produce strong secondary elec-
tromagnetic fields. Since 1970 years for electromagnetic sounding of the Earth the
heavy-lift impulsive hydromagnetics oscillators are used. One hydromagnetics oscil-
lator, allows geophysical mapping in vast territory and to reach penetration depths
about the first tens kilometers in areas with high resistivity.
The exploring of the the ionosphere by means of electromagnetic methods has
also a great significance. With the help of these methods the basic patterns of