There are very few, if any, books in the project management field that describe in
detail a company-wide approach to project management within a large, multinational
corporation, with the amount of detail and giving the useful, practical understanding of
the underlying principles and specific processes and practices that are presented here.
Professor Stefano Tonchia has drawn together a concise description of the fun-
damental principles and practices of modern project management and shows how
these are effectively applied on a company-wide basis in Danieli & C., Spa, for a
variety of project categories. Danieli is one of the three largest worldwide suppliers
of plants and equipment to the metals industry with ten worldwide subsidiaries in
as many countries on three continents.
Professor Tonchia’s extensive experience in both process and project management
gives him a unique perspective regarding how the discipline of project manage-
ment relates to the overall field of business and corporate management. His book,
Process Management for the Extended Enterprise, co-authored with Andrea
Tramontano (2004), describes (p. 15) three basic roles of a business executive today:
as director of an organizational unit, as process manager, and as project manager.
There is a need today for ownership of the project management processes, and we
see that need being filled by the emergence of the Project Management Office (PMO)
in many organizations under the direction of a Director or Vice President of Project
Management. Project Managers own the specific processes being used for their
current project, but the person in charge of the PMO usually holds responsibility for
continually improving the processes to be used by all project managers in the organi-
zation. The most important of these processes, in my view, is the Project Life Cycle
Management Process, which will be unique for each major category of project being
executed within the organization. Professor Tonchia focuses on three of these major
categories in this book: product design and development projects, service design
projects, and engineering-to-order production, construction, and services projects.
This book is unique not only because of its focus on the company-wide project
management methodology, but also because of the integration of process manage-
ment concepts and practices with those of project management.
Russell D. Archibald
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico
Russell D. Archibald, PhD (Hon), MSc, PMP, Fellow PMI and APM/IPMA, is a globally rec-
ognized author, consultant, and educator on project management. With a career spanning more
than 50 years, he has held executive, project management, and engineering positions in defense/
aerospace (USA), refinery construction and operation (USA, Venezuela), automotive manufactur-
ing (USA, France, India), and telecommunications industries (USA, Mexico). Since 1982 he has
consulted to companies, agencies, and development banks in 16 countries on 4 continents, and has
taught project management principles and practices to thousands of managers and specialists
around the world. He is an original founding trustee and member No. 6 of the Project Management
Institute. He is the author of Managing High Technology Programs and Projects (1st edition 1976,
3rd edition 2003) and the co-author of Network Based Management Information Systems (PERT/
CPM) (1967). He received the Jim O’Brien Lifetime Achievement Award from the PMI College
of Scheduling in 2006. His Web site is www.russarchibald.com.
viii Preface