Teams need to be built on individual trust, so it’s important to establish a
personal link with each member of the group you’re dealing with, and to know
them well. Asking advice is important, and is not seen as a weakness. Once
people cooperate with you, it is then important not to disappoint them. Make
sure the working process is highly organized and structured, and that you
and they know who is responsible for what. Unofficial channels and
processes are as important as official ones, and can cut through red tape.
Team strengths in Russia tend to be their ability to forge relationships, and
come up with imaginative solutions. They’re less strong on implementing and
completing tasks. Team members are selected primarily on their competence
for the role, although educational qualifications and family connections can
also be influential. The team leader makes all decisions, and is usually well
connected to other decision-makers.
Leadership and decision-making
It’s important to bear in mind that Russia only began to evolve from its
combination of traditional patterns and Soviet coercion in the early 1990s,
so it is hardly surprising that Russian business tends to be hierarchical. The
top man in the company makes all the decisions, which has two corollaries:
it slows down the process, and it means that you must make sure that you’re
negotiating with the right person.
In Russia, it’s who you know, not what you know. As in many other countries,
the exchange of favours ensures that things get done: in Russia, this system
is known as blat. Although women have equal status to men in many areas
of business, especially in academia and administration, at top levels posts
are mainly held by men. Women visitors may be subject to ‘old world’ courtesy
and gallantry, but may also feel patronized as senior Russian businessmen
are less used to dealing with female executives on an equal basis. Russian
senior managers, both men and women, tend to dress to impress, and observe
some formality in their attire and public behaviour. You should do the same.