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The Invention of the Radio
1. On April, 25, 1895, A.S. Popov demonstrated his device. Having
summarized the results of his experiments, Popov expressed his hope
that the device, after being perfected, would make possible
transmitting signals at a distance by means of rapid electrical
oscillations. In summer 1895, Popov’s invention was successfully
tested and in the same year he attached to the device an apparatus
previously used for recording telegrams. In the following year this
receiver was used at the electric power station in Nizhy Novgorod for
warning about approaching thunderstorms.
2. The great Russian inventor did not make any secret of his discovery,
describing it in the press and making reports about it at the meetings of
scientific societies. In the same year he demonstrated the transmission
of words over a wireless telegraph. This new demonstration proved of
great importance as later on, in England, there appeared a person,
Marconi by name, who claimed to be the inventor of this new means of
3. The year 1898witnessed a new important invention made by Popov
together with his assistants Rybkin and Troitsky, namely the reception
of audible signals by means of a receiver. All these successful
experiments having been completed, serious practical testing began.
Popov’s radio telegraph helped to save the battleship “General Admiral
4 Popov’s work drew attention of many countries. The wireless
telegraphy is the result of Popov’s experiments, this fact having been
acknowledged by different representatives of foreign science,
engineering and industry. Popov was offered immense profits from
commercial side of his invention in case he leaves Russia, but he
preferred to remain a true son of his fatherland. “I am a Russian and I
must give all my knowledge, all my work and all my achievements to
my native land”, were his words.
5 It is impossible to say that nobody in Russia understood and
appreciated the great work carried out by Popov. On the contrary, the
leading representatives of Russian science realized the significance of
his invention. However, the tsarist government did nothing to provide
the training of specialists for the newly born branch of science and