New Insights into Conservation Laws 161
the role of computers
The mathematical research carried out by Sobolev, Oleinik, and their
successors could not be more important to furthering understanding
of systems of conservation laws, the mathematical formulations of
laws of nature. But their work, which is highly theoretical, is not always
immediately useful to practitioners such as scientists and engineers.
Computers bridge the gap between theory and practice in a way that
complements both. (It is worth noting that Sobolev, in particular, did a
great deal of research into the best ways to use computers in the solu-
tion of differential equations.)
While some mathematicians spend a great deal of time studying tech-
nical questions about the general qualities of solutions to conservation
equations, engineers and scientists are often more focused on obtaining
specific solutions and unambiguously understanding what those solu-
tions mean. Sometimes, mathematical formulas, even when they can be
found, are opaque in the sense that they reveal little about the function
of interest. Does the function have maximum and minimum values?
Jumps? There is often a big difference between a set of symbols and a
meaningful statement.
Properly programmed, computers can reveal approximate answers
to many questions about solutions to differential equations by rep-
resenting the solutions as pictures of curves or surfaces. Rather
than complex sets of often-opaque symbols, computers can create
graphical representations of mathematical functions. This is important
because pictures are often more accessible than long series of equa-
tions and inequalities. Pictures show approximate regions of increase
and decrease; they show approximate locations of maximum and
minimum values; and they reveal possible locations of discontinuities.
As hardware and software become increasingly sophisticated, the
detail and clarity of the pictures improve. Today, a careful study of
the resulting pictures not only reveals information about the functions
themselves but may also suggest directions for further theoretical
research. No picture can substitute for a proof of a result, but it is also
true that a proof may reveal little about the “big picture”—especially
when the proof is negative. Suppose, for example, that one proves that
a function fails to have a particular property. This may be interesting
but not especially revealing about what properties the function in ques-
tion does have. Computer analysis sometimes reveals what algebraic
symbolism does not.