This verb tense has no correlate in English. The perfective future expresses the
opinion of the speaker that the action mentioned will end successfully or produce
a result. Remember, since the future has not yet happened, we cannot know with
certainty that this will be so. The speaker is merely expressing his or her convic-
tion and attitude regarding a future event.
Since the perfective future focuses on completion or the production of a
result, the perfective future, as well as the perfective past, verb will often sound
incomplete without a direct object. The phrase Я прочитáю would translate as I
will get read, which is just as incomplete in English. With its proper complement,
however, a complete thought would be expressed in Я прочитáю œту статьî,
translated as I will get that article read.
The perfective future is formed by conjugating the perfective infinitive. It is
extremely difficult for English speakers to become accustomed to this structure.
Since they are still in the process of learning the difference between imperfective
and perfective infinitives, native speakers of English do not easily discriminate
between the present tense and the perfective future: because they are hearing a
conjugated verb, they hear only the present tense. It is slightly easier to form and
use the perfective.
Some verbs do not form perfective future.These are verbs that express actions
and cannot, or normally do not, lead to results. Such verbs are жить, игрáть,
занимáться, сидéть, боûться, among others.
Consider these two paradigms of perfective future:
Прочитáть Написáть
я прочитáю книгу я напишÿ доклáд
ты прочитáешь кнñгу ты напñшешь доклáд
он/онá прочитáет кнñгу он/онá напñшет доклáд
мы прочитáем кнñгу мы напñшем доклáд
вы прочитáете кнñгу вы напñшете доклáд
они прочитáют кнñгу онñ напñшут доклáд
Both of these verbs, прочитáть and написáть, sound somehow incomplete
without the addition of the direct object.Without it your listener is left wondering
what will be read or written, since the notion of accomplishment is so strongly
emphasized by using this aspect.
Perfective verbs, both past and future, must be used with a sequence of actions
because logically the earlier verb(s) must be completed before the later verb(s).
To practice this principle, try the following exercise.
170 RUSSIAN: A Self-Teaching Guide