Sometimes the recipient of the direct object may be expressed in Russian by
using the preposition для plus the genitive case. Thus, Он купñл собáчку своéй
дéвушке and Он купñл собáчку для своéйдéвушки are both acceptable sen-
tences in Russian, corresponding closely to the English He bought his girlfriend a
dog in the first example and He bought a dog for his girlfriend in the second.
Object of Verbs
The dative case is used with certain verbs, the most important of which are
помогáть, звонñть, аплодñровать, подарñть, мешáть, казáться, совéтовать,
вéрить, надоéсть, снñться (to dream), улыбáться, хотéться, and нравиться.
Не верь емÿ—он говорñттóлько Don’t believe him—he tells only lies.
Мне надоéло твоё поведéние! I’m fed up with your behavior!
Нам кáжется, что ты правá. It seems to us that you are right.
Емÿ не спñтся. He can’t sleep.
Нóчью мне снñлся стрáнный сон. Last night I had a strange dream.
Мне óчень хóчется пить. I’m really thirsty.
The case a verb governs should always be learned together with the verb. A
good Russian dictionary will indicate case government by the appropriate forms
of ктó and чтó, for example: завñдовать комÿ; вéрить комÿ, чемÿ; боûться
когó, чегó; стать кем, чем.
Impersonal Expressions
The dative case is used to express the logical subject in impersonal expressions.
These are situations in which there is usually a subjective relationship to the situ-
ation. Thus, when one says I am cold, the meaning conveyed by the grammar in
Russian is that It is cold for me, while perhaps someone else may feel fine. In fact,
if the phrase I am cold is translated literally into Russian, the resulting sentence
expresses something quite different from what is intended: I am a cold person. So
be careful not to confuse I am so disgusted and I am so disgusting, as my grand-
mother always did.
The Dative Case 145
When a noun is formed from a verb, it will often govern the same case as the verb:
дарñть дéтям (to give children presents); подáрки дéтям (presents for the children).