GSC Diagnostics Attributes
GSC Diagnostics has attributes which affect the appearance of the GSC Diagnostics window
in Runtime. These relate to the geometric attributes, particularly to the following:
● Display: This attribute defines whether the window should be visible or hidden. The attribute
can be made dynamic with the name Visible.
● Sizeable: This attribute defines whether the size of the window should be changeable in
● Movable: This attribute defines whether the window should be moveable or not during
● Border: This attribute defines whether the without is provided with a border. If the window
has a border, its height and width can be modified in Runtime.
● Title: This defines whether the window has a title bar.
● Can be maximized: This attribute defines whether the title bar should contain the button to
maximize the window.
● Can be closed: This attribute defines whether the title bar should contain the button to close
the window.
● Foreground: This attribute defines whether the window should always be in the foreground.
See also
GSC Diagnostics Toolbar (Page 86)
Inserting the GSC Diagnostics Window into a Picture (Page 85)
GSC Diagnostics (Page 84) GSC Diagnostics Toolbar
The GSC Diagnostics toolbar enables the output in the diagnostics window to be controlled
and to save, print and open window content:
1: Delete the content of the diagnostics window
2: Stop the window being updated
3: Activate the window being updated
4: Opens a text file in the window
VBS for Creating Procedures and Actions
1.12 Diagnostics
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,