● Monthly. The start of the interval is specified by the day and time. The length of the interval
is a month.
● Annual. The start of the interval is specified by the day, month and time. The length of the
interval is a year.
Time-controlled triggers are used for actions Global Script and for actions to make graphic
objects dynamic.
Tag triggers
They consist of one or more specified tags. The action associated with such a trigger is
performed each time a change in the value of one of these tags is detected.
How the tag values are queried may be customized for each tag. Select from the following
● Cyclic query of the tag value: Specify a standard cycle. The tag value is queried at the
defined intervals (e.g. every 2 seconds). The action is triggered when the system detects
a change of the tag value.
Depending on the size of the cycle, it is possible that the tag value is changed but it is not
detected by the system.
If, for example, a cycle of 5 minutes has been set, the tag value may change several times
the 5 minute period but only the value set when the next query is made is detected.
The value changes between the two queries are not registered.
● Changes in the tag value: Each change in the tag value is detected by the system. The
action is executed each time the tag value changes.
Tag triggers are used for actions Global Script and for actions to make graphic objects dynamic.
When an action is configured related to an event on a graphic object, the action is triggered
when a specific event has occurred, e.g. following a mouse click or the change of the
background color due to another action.
Animation cycle
As of WinCC V7.0, the "animation cycle" trigger art is available for the dynamization of objects
with VBS. The animation cycle allows you to switch actions on and off in Runtime and to change
the time, in which the trigger is executed.
You can find additional information in the "" section.
Effects of triggers on actions
If the action is associated with only one trigger, then the action is performed as soon as the
triggering event occurs.
However, an action may be associated with multiple triggers, such as a cyclic trigger and a
tag trigger. Here the action is performed whenever one of the two triggering events occurs. If
two events occur simultaneously, then the action is executed twice sequentially. If two tag
triggers fire at the same time, the action will be performed only once.
VBS for Creating Procedures and Actions
1.10 Creating and Editing Actions
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,