Type of archive.
The parameter can (optionally) be used only to delete archive segments of the tag
The following values can be entered:
Assigned Value Type Description
1 hmiDataLogFast Tag Logging Fast data
2 hmiDataLogSlow Tag Logging Slow data
3 hmiDataLogAll Tag Logging Fast and Slow data
Reserved for future versions.
Return value
If an error occurred during deletion of the archive segments, the method will return an error
message. Additional information may be found under the subject heading "Error Messages
from Database Area".
Time format
Time format is defined as follows: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where YYYY represents the year,
the month, DD the day, hh the hour, mm the minute and ss the second. For example, the
time of 2 minutes and one second past 11 o'clock on July 26, 2004 is displayed as follows:
2004-07-26 11:02:01.
For parameters "TimeFrom" and "TimeTo" the statement of data and time is also possible in
short form. Not all format fields must be filled in this case. The short form means that the
information on date and time may be lacking one or several parameters, beginning with the
value for seconds. For example, the statement may be in the form of "YYYY-MM" or "YYYY-
MM-DD hh". Using the statement "TimeFrom" = "2004-09" and "TimeTo" = "2004-10-04" all
archive segments between September 2004 up to and including October 4th are to be
In the following example, archive segments re-swapped after the fact for a specified time period
may be removed and the return value may be output as Trace.
HMIRuntime.Trace "Ret: " & HMIRuntime.Logging.Remove("2004-08-22","2004-09-22",-1) &
In the following example, all archive segments re-swapped after the fact may be removed and
the return value may be output as Trace.
VBS for Creating Procedures and Actions
1.14 VBS Reference
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,