Value Description Explanation
0 Ascending The list is sorted in ascending order based on frequency.
1 Descending The list is sorted in descending order based on frequency.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name HitlistDefaultSort.
HitlistMaxSourceItems Property
With this attribute, you can specify the maximum number of records to be used from the
message archive for the generation of the hit list. You can choose any value between 0 and
HitListMaxSourceItems property
Maximum number of data records - HitListMaxSourceItems
Defines the maximum number of data records for statistics.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
HitListMaxSourceItems .
HitlistMaxSourceItemsWarn property
With this attribute, you can define whether a warning is issued when the maximum number of
records as specified in "HitlistMaxSourceItems" is reached.
HitListMaxSourceItemsWarn property
Warning notice - HitListMaxSourceItemsWarn
Enables the output of a warning notice after the valid number of data records was reached.
Value Description
TRUE A warning is output after the valid maximum number of data records was reached.
FALSE A warning is not output after the valid maximum number of data records was reached.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
VBS for Creating Procedures and Actions
1.14 VBS Reference
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,