See also
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
Group Display (Page 208)
Static text (Page 178)
Text list (Page 210)
Radio box (Page 219)
Check box (Page 217)
Button (Page 214)
I/O Field (Page 196)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FontName Property
Defines or returns the font name of the text in the object.
All the fonts installed in Windows are available for selection.
See also
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
Group Display (Page 208)
Static text (Page 178)
Text list (Page 210)
Radio box (Page 219)
Check box (Page 217)
Button (Page 214)
I/O Field (Page 196)
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FontPosition Property
Returns the font name for the display of the slider position in the bottom part of the object. All
the fonts installed in Windows are available for selection. Read only access.
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See also
WinCC Slider Control (Page 259)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FontSize Property
Defines or returns the font size of the text in the object in points.
See also
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
Group Display (Page 208)
Static text (Page 178)
Text list (Page 210)
Radio box (Page 219)
Check box (Page 217)
Button (Page 214)
I/O Field (Page 196)
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FontStrikeThru Property
TRUE, when the text in the object should be assigned the "strikethrough" attribute. BOOLEAN
write-read access.
See also
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FontUnderline Property
TRUE, when the text in the object should be assigned the "underline" attribute. BOOLEAN
write-read access.
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See also
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
Group Display (Page 208)
Static text (Page 178)
Text list (Page 210)
Radio box (Page 219)
Check box (Page 217)
Button (Page 214)
I/O Field (Page 196)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ForeColor Property
Defines or returns the color of the font for the text in the object. LONG write-read access.
See also
WinCC Slider Control (Page 259)
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
WinCC Digital/Analog Clock (Page 239)
HMI Symbol Library 1.4.1 (Page 233)
Static text (Page 178)
Text list (Page 210)
Radio box (Page 219)
Check box (Page 217)
Button (Page 214)
I/O Field (Page 196)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ForeFlashColorOff Property
Defines or returns the color of the text for flash status "Off". LONG write-read access.
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See also
Text list (Page 210)
Static text (Page 178)
Radio box (Page 219)
Check box (Page 217)
Button (Page 214)
I/O Field (Page 196)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ForeFlashColorOn Property
Defines or returns the color of the text for flash status "On". LONG write-read access.
See also
Static text (Page 178)
Text list (Page 210)
Radio box (Page 219)
Check box (Page 217)
Button (Page 214)
I/O Field (Page 196)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FrameColor Property
Defines or returns the color of the rectangular or square area located on the graduated scale
disk. LONG write-read access.
See also
WinCC Gauge Control (Page 243)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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FrameColorDown Property
Defines or returns the color for the right, bottom part of the 3D frame of the button (button
pressed). LONG write-read access.
See also
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FrameColorUp Property
Defines or returns the color for the left, top part of the 3D frame of the button (button not
pressed). LONG write-read access.
See also
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FramePicture Property
Returns the picture name of the background picture for the graduated scale disk. Read only
See also
WinCC Gauge Control (Page 243)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FrameScale Property
Defines or returns the diameter of the graduated scale disk in relation to smallest value of the
width and height geometric attributes. Write/Read access.
The value range is (scale distance - scale width) to 1.
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See also
WinCC Gauge Control (Page 243)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FrameWidth Property
Defines or returns the border width of the button in pixels. Write/Read access.
See also
WinCC Push Button Control (Page 253)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
FreezeProviderConnections Property
Enables modification of the data connection properties ("ProviderType", "Source"...), without
the change being effective immediately. On changing "SourceTagNameX", for example,
impermissible combinations can created with "SourceTagNameY".
Therefore, FreezeProviderConnections" must be set to TRUE before modifying a data
connection attribute. After modifying all the data connection, "FreezeProviderConnection" is
set to FALSE and the changes take effect.
See also
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134) G
GlobalColorScheme property
Defines whether the colors defined for the current design in the global color scheme will be
used for this object.
TRUE if the object is displayed with the colors from the global color scheme defined for this
object type.
FALSE if the object is displayed with the colors as per the settings in the object.
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BOOLEAN write-read access.
GlobalShadow property
Defines whether the object will be displayed with the shadowing defined in the active design.
TRUE if the object is displayed with the global shadow defined for this object type.
FALSE if no shadow is displayed.
BOOLEAN write-read access.
GraphDirection Property
Defines which edge of the trend window should display the current values. Write/Read access.
0: Positive values run to the right and upwards.
-1: Positive values run to the left and upwards.
-2: Positive values run to the right and upwards.
-3: Positive values run to the right and downwards.
See also
WinCC Online Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 271)
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
GraphDirection property
Writer orientation - GraphDirection
Defines the orientation of the update of axis values.
Value Description Description
0 From the right The updated values are displayed starting at the right side of the trend.
1 From the left The updated values are displayed starting at the left side of the trend.
2 From the top The updated values are displayed starting at the top of the trend.
3 From the bottom The updated values are displayed starting at the bottom of the trend.
True type fonts must be used within the trend window if "From the top" or "From the bottom"
selected for writer orientation. Only this setting ensures legibility of the labeling of the vertical
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System Manual, 11/2008,
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name GraphDirection.
GridLineColor property
Color of the row divider / content - GridLineColor
Defines the color of row/column dividers in table contents. The button opens the "Color
selection" dialog.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name GridLineColor.
GridLineHorz Property
TRUE, when the message window columns are separated by horizontal dividing lines.
BOOLEAN write-read access.
See also
WinCC Alarm Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 265)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
GridLines Property
TRUE, when the trend window is displayed with grid lines parallel to the X-axis. The distance
between two grid lines can be changed using the "GridLineValue" property. BOOLEAN write-
read access.
See also
WinCC Online Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 271)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
GridlinesValueX Property
Defines or returns the distance between two grid lines on the X-axis. Whether the information
is evaluated is dependent on the value of the "GridLinesX" property.
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1.14 VBS Reference
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See also
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
GridlinesValueY Property
Defines or returns the distance between two grid lines on the Y-axis. Whether the information
is evaluated is dependent on the value of the "GridLinesY" property.
See also
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
GridlinesX Property
TRUE, when the trend window is displayed with grid lines parallel to the X-axis. The distance
between two grid lines can be changed using the "GridLineValueX" property.
See also
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
GridlinesY Property
TRUE, when the trend window is displayed with grid lines parallel to the Y-axis. The distance
between two grid lines can be changed using the "GridLineValueX" property.
See also
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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GridLineValue Property
Defines the distance between two grid lines. Whether the information is evaluated is
dependent on the value of the "GridLines" property.
See also
WinCC Online Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 271)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
GridLineVert Property
TRUE, when the message window columns are separated by vertical dividing lines. BOOLEAN
write-read access.
See also
WinCC Alarm Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 265)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
GridLineWidth property
Width of dividers - GridLineWidth
Defines the line weight of the row/column dividers in pixels.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name GridLineWidth. H
Ha - Hi
HandFillColor Property
Defines or returns the fill color of all the hands in the analog clock. In order that the hands are
displayed with the fill color defined, the "Handtype" property must be set to "0" (covering).
LONG write-read access.
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1.14 VBS Reference
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