The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnScrollbar
ColumnShowDate property
Display date - ColumnShowDate
Specifies that the block "Time" is displayed with the time and date in a field.
Value Description
TRUE The date and time are displayed. The date format is defined in the "Date format" field.
FALSE The time is displayed.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnShowDate.
ColumnShowIcon property
Content as icon - ColumnShowIcon
Enables the display the contents of a selected column by means of icon.
Value Description
TRUE The content is visualized as icon.
FALSE The content is not visualized as icon.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnShowIcon.
ColumnShowTitleIcon property
Header as icon - ColumnShowTitleIcon
Specifies the display of the header of a selected column by means of icon.
Value Description
TRUE The header is displayed as icon.
FALSE The header is not displayed as icon.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
ColumnSort property
Defines the sorting order of the user archive column referenced in the "ColumnIndex" attribute.
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The following settings are available:
Value Description Description
0 no No sorting
1 Ascending Ascending order, starting at the lowest value.
2 Descending Descending order, starting at the highest value.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnSort .
ColumnSortIndex property
Defines the sorting order of the column referenced in "ColumnIndex". The sorting criterion is
removed from "ColumnSort" if you set a "0" value..
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnSortIndex.
ColumnTimeFormat property
Time format - ColumnTimeFormat
Defines the time format to be used for visualization.
The following time formats are available:
Value Description
Automatic The time format is set automatically.
HH:mm:ss.ms Hours:Minutes:Seconds, e.g. 15:35:44.240.
hh:mm:ss tt Hours:Minutes:Seconds AM/PM, e.g. 03:35:44 PM.
hh:mm:ss.ms tt Hours:Minutes:Seconds AM/PM, e.g. 03:35:44.240 PM.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
ColumnTitleAlign property
Column header alignment - ColumnTitleAlign
Specifies the type of column header alignment.
The following settings are available:
Value Description Description
0 left The column headers are aligned left.
1 centered The column headers are aligned to center.
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Value Description Description
2 right The column headers are aligned right.
3 Justify to table
The column headers are justified to fit the corresponding column content.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnTitleAlign.
ColumnTitles property
Display column header - ColumnTitles
Enables the display of the column header.
Value Description
TRUE The column header is displayed.
FALSE The column header is not displayed.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnTitles.
ColumnType property
Type - ColumnType
Displays the data type set in the user archive for a selected column.
ColumnVisible property
Enables the display of a column referenced by means of "ColumnIndex" attribute.
Value Description
TRUE The column is displayed.
FALSE The column is not displayed.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnVisible .
ColWidth Property
TRUE, when it should be possible to change the widths of the columns in the message window.
The width of the columns can only be changed, however, when the "AutoScroll" property is
not active. BOOLEAN write-read access.
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See also
WinCC Alarm Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 265)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
Command Property
TRUE, when updating of the values displayed in the control should be forced.
See also
WinCC Online Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 271)
WinCC Online Table Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 269)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
Comment property
Reads or sets the Alarm object comment.
See also
Alarms object (list) (Page 116)
CommonTime Property
TRUE, when a common time column is to be used in the table window. BOOLEAN write-read
See also
WinCC Online Table Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 269)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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CommonX Property
TRUE, when the trends in the trend window should be displayed with a common X-axis.
BOOLEAN write-read access.
See also
WinCC Online Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 271)
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
CommonY Property
TRUE, when the trends in the trend window should be displayed with a common Y-axis.
BOOLEAN write-read access.
See also
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
WinCC Online Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 271)
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ComputerName property
Returns the name of the computer on which the alarm object was triggered.
ComputerName (readonly)
See also
Alarms object (list) (Page 116)
Context property
Reads or sets the alarm object server prefix.
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See also
Alarms object (list) (Page 116)
ConnectTrendWindows property
Connect trend windows - ConnectTrendWindows
Enables the connection of trend windows configured. You must have configured several trend
The connected trend windows have the following properties:
They can have a common X axis.
They have a scroll bar.
They have a ruler.
The zoom functions for a trend window affect the connected trend windows.
Value Description
TRUE All trend windows configured are connected.
FALSE The trend windows are displayed separately.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
ContinousChange Property
Defines the type of transfer of the value defined by the slider ("Position" property) in Runtime:
FALSE : The value of the "Position" property is transferred when the mouse button is
TRUE : The value of the "Position" property is transferred immediately following a change
of the slider position.
See also
WinCC Slider Control (Page 259)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
Count Property
Supplies the number of elements in a list.
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INTEGER (read-only access).
The example shows how the number of objects in a DataSet list is output.
HMIRuntime.Trace "Count: " & HMIRuntime.DataSet.Count & vbNewLine
The following example adds two tags to the TagSet list and outputs the count properties as
Dim group
Set group = HMIRuntime.Tags.CreateTagSet
group.Add "Motor1"
group.Add "Motor2"
HMIRuntime.Trace "Count: " & group.Count & vbNewLine
See also
CreateTagSet Method (Page 644)
TagSet Object (List) (Page 151)
ScreenItems Object (List) (Page 138)
Screens Object (List) (Page 143)
Layers Object (Listing) (Page 129)
DataSet-Objekt (List) (Page 122)
ProcessValues Object (List) (Page 132)
CurrentContext Property
In the case of a picture window, the server from which the picture comes and contains the
script is read out.
The "CurrentContext" property can return different results: If, for example, a picture window
a server picture is set in a local basic picture, distinction is made between two cases:
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The "CurrentContext" property is used in an action of the picture window picture: The result
the return of the symbolic computer name of the server (Package property) extended by
two colons, e.g."WinCCProject_MyComputer::“ .
The "CurrentContext" property is used in an action of the basic picture: The result is returned
in the form of an empty character string.
See also
HMIRuntime Object (Page 125)
Cursor Property
Controls the appearance of the cursor in Runtime when positioned over an icon.
0: The cursor appears as an arrow and does not change when positioned over the icon.
1: The cursor appears as a 3D arrow accompanied by a green lightening symbol. In
Runtime, this indicates that the object concerned can be operated.
See also
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
HMI Symbol Library 1.4.1 (Page 233)
CursorControl Property
TRUE, when Alpha Cursor mode is activated, the cursor skips to the next field in the TAB
sequence after exiting the field. BOOLEAN write-read access.
To do this, the "CursorMode" property must be set to TRUE.
See also
Text list (Page 210)
I/O Field (Page 196)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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CurveForm Property
WinCC Function Trend Control
Defines how the measuring points of a trend referenced by the "Index" property should be
connected. Write/Read access.
WinCC Online Trend Control
The "Index" property references a trend. "CurveForm" defines how the measuring points
should be connected.
0x00000012 Representation of the measuring points.
0x00000014 Measuring points are connected linearly.
0x00000011 Measuring points are connected via a step curve.
0x00000021 The area under the linearly connected trend is filled.
0x00000022: The area under the step curve is filled.
See also
WinCC Online Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 271)
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
CursorMode Property
When the "CursorMode" is set to "yes", you can show all messages from the short-term archive
page by page in the long-term archive list. Use the "CursorModePrefetch" property to
determine the number of messages shown per page.
The "Autoscroll" option must be unchecked in order to be able to switch between pages. Write/
Read access.
CursorModePrefetch Property
Sets the number of message that you want to display page by page in the long-term archive
list out of all messages in the short-term archive.
The "CursorMode" object property must be set to "yes".
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Write/Read access. D
DangerColor Property
Defines or returns the color of the danger zone on the scale. LONG write-read access.
See also
WinCC Gauge Control (Page 243)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
Danger Property
Defines or returns the beginning of the "danger zone". The zone stretches from the "danger"
value to the end of the scale. Write/Read access.
See also
WinCC Gauge Control (Page 243)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
DataFormat Property
Returns the data type of the I/O field object. Read only access.
Value range from 0 to 3.
0: Binary
1: Decimal
2: String
3: Hexadecimal
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