The following settings are available:
Value Description Description
0 no No sorting
1 Ascending Ascending order, starting at the lowest value.
2 Descending Descending order, starting at the highest value.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnSort .
ColumnSortIndex property
Defines the sorting order of the column referenced in "ColumnIndex". The sorting criterion is
removed from "ColumnSort" if you set a "0" value..
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnSortIndex.
ColumnTimeFormat property
Time format - ColumnTimeFormat
Defines the time format to be used for visualization.
The following time formats are available:
Value Description
Automatic The time format is set automatically.
HH:mm:ss.ms Hours:Minutes:Seconds, e.g. 15:35:44.240.
hh:mm:ss tt Hours:Minutes:Seconds AM/PM, e.g. 03:35:44 PM.
hh:mm:ss.ms tt Hours:Minutes:Seconds AM/PM, e.g. 03:35:44.240 PM.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
ColumnTitleAlign property
Column header alignment - ColumnTitleAlign
Specifies the type of column header alignment.
The following settings are available:
Value Description Description
0 left The column headers are aligned left.
1 centered The column headers are aligned to center.
VBS for Creating Procedures and Actions
1.14 VBS Reference
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,