ColMove Property
TRUE, when the arrangement of columns can be changed. BOOLEAN write-read access.
See also
WinCC Alarm Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 265)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
Color Property
The "Index" property references a column pair or a trend. "Color" defines the color of the font
in the column or the trend. LONG write-read access. The color is defined as an RGB value.
See also
WinCC Online Table Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 269)
WinCC Online Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 271)
WinCC Function Trend Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 267)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorAlarmHigh Property
Defines or returns the bar color for the "AlarmHigh" limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckAlarmHigh" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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ColorAlarmLow Property
Defines or returns the bar color for the "AlarmLow" limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckAlarmLow" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorBottom Property
Defines or returns the color for the bottom/right stop of the slider object. LONG write-read
See also
Slider (Page 223)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorChangeType Property
TRUE, if the change of color should occur segment by segment in the case of a color change
(e.g. on reaching a limit value). If set to FALSE, it defines the change of color for the entire
bar. BOOLEAN write-read access.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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ColorLimitHigh4 Property
Defines or returns the color for the "Reserve 4" upper limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckLimitHigh4" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorLimitHigh5 Property
Defines or returns the color for the "Reserve 5" upper limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckLimitHigh5" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorLimitLow4 Property
Defines or returns the color for the "Reserve 4" lower limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckLimitLow4" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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ColorLimitLow5 Property
Defines or returns the color for the "Reserve 5" lower limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckLimitLow5" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorToleranceHigh Property
Defines or returns the color for the "ToleranceHigh" upper limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckToleranceHigh" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should
change on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorToleranceLow Property
Defines or returns the color for the "ToleranceLow" lower limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckToleranceLow" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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ColorTop Property
Defines or returns the color for the top/left stop of the slider object. LONG write-read access.
See also
Slider (Page 223)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorWarningHigh Property
Defines or returns the color for the "WarningHigh" upper limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckWarningHigh" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColorWarningLow Property
Defines or returns the color for the "WarningLow" lower limit value. LONG write/read
The "CheckWarningLow" property must have been set to TRUE if the bar color should change
on reaching the limit value.
See also
Bar (Page 188)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
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ColTitle Property
TRUE, when the columns in the message window should have a title bar. BOOLEAN write-
read access.
See also
WinCC Alarm Control (before WinCC V7) (Page 265)
ScreenItem Object (Page 134)
ColumnAdd property
Apply - ColumnAdd
Copies the selected column from the list of existing columns to the list of selected columns.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnAdd.
ColumnAlign property
Alignment - ColumnAlign
Specifies the mode of alignment of a selected column.
The following settings are available:
Value Description Description
0 left The selected column is aligned left.
1 Centered The selected column is aligned to center.
2 right The selected column is aligned right.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnAlign.
ColumnAutoPrecisions property
Decimal places automatic - ColumnAutoPrecisions
Enables automatic setting of the decimal precision.
Value Description
TRUE The decimal precision is defined automatically. The value in the "Decimal places" field
is disabled.
FALSE The value in the "Decimal places" field is enabled.
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The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
ColumnCaption property
Caption - ColumnCaption
Sets the caption for a selected column.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnCaption.
ColumnDateFormat property
Date format - ColumnDateFormat
Defines the date format for visualization.
The following date formats are available:
Value Description
Automatic The date format is set automatically.
dd.MM.yy Day.Month.Year, e.g. 24.12.07.
dd.MM.yyyy Day.Month.Year, e.g. 24.12.2007.
dd/MM/yy Day/Month/Year, e.g. 24/12/07.
dd/MM/yyyy Day/Month/Year, e.g. 24/12/2007.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnDateFormat.
ColumnExponentialFormat property
Exponential notation - ColumnExponentialFormat
Sets exponential notation for the display of values of a selected column.
Value Description
TRUE The values are displayed with exponential notation.
FALSE The values are displayed with decimal notation.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
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ColumnFlagUnique property
Specifies whether the user archive field assigned to the column must have a unique value.
Values in this column must not be redundant.
Value Description
TRUE The column must have a unique value.
FALSE The column must not have a unique value.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnFlagUnique.
ColumnHideText property
Content as text - ColumnHideText
Defines textual display of the contents of a selected column.
Value Description
TRUE The content is not displayed in text format. The option is disabled.
FALSE The content is displayed in text format. The option is enabled.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnHideText.
ColumnHideTitleText property
Text header - ColumnHideTitleText
Sets textual display of the header of a selected column.
Value Description
TRUE The header is not displayed in text format. The option is disabled.
FALSE The header is displayed in text format. The option is enabled.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
ColumnIndex property
References a user archive column. Using this attribute you can assign the values of other
attributes to a user archive column.
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Values between 0 and "ColumnCount" minus 1 are valid for "ColumnIndex". Attribute
"ColumnCount" defines the number of available columns.
The "ColumnIndex" attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of attribute
ColumnLeadingZeros property
With leading zeros - ColumnLeadingZeros
Enables the display of values with leading zeros for the column selected.
Value Description
TRUE Displays leading zeros. Enter the number of leading zeros in the "Decimal places" field.
FALSE Disables the display of leading zeros.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name
ColumnLength property
Length in Characters - ColumnLength
Specifies the width of a selected column.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnLength.
ColumnPrecisions property
Decimal places - ColumnPrecisions
Specifies the decimal precision of the values of a selected column. You can only enter the
value if the "Automatic" option is disabled.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnPrecisions.
ColumnReadonly property
Write protected - ColumnReadonly
Sets the write protection of a selected column.
Value Description
TRUE This column is write protected.
FALSE This column is not write protected. You can edit the column values in Runtime by
activating the "Change" option in the General" tab.
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The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnReadonly.
ColumnRemove property
Remove - ColumnRemove
Cuts selected columns from the list of selected columns and pastes these to the list of available
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnRemove.
ColumnRepos property
Up/Down - ColumnRepos
Changes the order of columns. "Up" and "Down" move the time column selected up or down
in the list. This moves the column towards the front or towards the back.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnRepos.
ColumnResize property
Width can be resized - ColumnResize
Enables changes to the width of columns.
Value Description
TRUE You can change the width of the columns.
FALSE You cannot change the width of the columns.
The attribute can be assigned dynamic properties by means of the name ColumnResize.
ColumnSrollbar property
Column scroll bars - ColumnScrollbar
Enables the display of column scroll bars.
The following settings are available:
Value Description Description
0 no Column scroll bars are not displayed.
1 as required Column scroll bars are displayed if vertical space requirements of the
control are greater than the actually available display area.
2 always Column scroll bars are always displayed.
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