Dim objToolbar As HMIToolbar
Dim objToolbarItem As HMIToolbarItem
Dim objLangText As HMILanguageText
Dim strFileWithPath
'Create toolbar with two toolbar-items:
Set objToolbar = ActiveDocument.CustomToolbars.Add("Tool1_1")
Set objToolbarItem = objToolbar.ToolbarItems.InsertToolbarItem(1, "ti1_1",
Set objToolbarItem = objToolbar.ToolbarItems.InsertToolbarItem(2, "ti1_2",
'In order that the example runs correct copy a *.ICO-Graphic
'into the "GraCS"-Folder of the actual project.
'Replace the filename "EZSTART.ICO" in the next commandline
'with the name of the ICO-Graphic you copied
strFileWithPath = Application.ApplicationDataPath & "EZSTART.ICO"
'To assign the symbol-icon to the first toolbaritem
objToolbar.ToolbarItems(1).Icon = strFileWithPath
'Define foreign-language tooltiptexts
Set objLangText = objToolbar.ToolbarItems(1).LDTooltipTexts.Add(1036, "French_Tooltiptext")
Set objLangText = objToolbar.ToolbarItems(1).LDTooltipTexts.Add(1034,
End Sub
The "LDTooltipInfo()" procedure outputs all the Tooltip texts configured for the first icon in the
first user-defined toolbar:
Sub LDTooltipInfo()
Dim colLangTexts As HMILanguageTexts
Dim objLangText As HMILanguageText
Dim iAnswer As Integer
Set colLangTexts = ActiveDocument.CustomToolbars(1).ToolbarItems(1).LDTooltipTexts
For Each objLangText In colLangTexts
iAnswer = MsgBox(objLangText.DisplayName, vbOKCancel)
If vbCancel = iAnswer Then Exit For
Next objLangText
End Sub
See also
ToolbarItem Object (Page 1970)
HMIObject Object (Page 1882)
VBA for Automated Configuration
4.4 The object model of the Graphics Designer
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,