Folder Property
Returns a folder from the components library.
The "ShowFolderItems()" procedure accesses the symbol libraries. In this example all the
folder names in the global symbol library and project symbol library will be output:
Sub ShowFolderItems()
Dim colFolderItems As HMIFolderItems
Dim objFolderItem As HMIFolderItem
Dim iAnswer As Integer
Dim iMaxFolder As Integer
Dim iMaxSymbolLib As Integer
Dim iSymbolLibIndex As Integer
Dim iSubFolderIndex As Integer
Dim strSubFolderName As String
Dim strFolderItemName As String
'To determine the number of symbollibraries:
iMaxSymbolLib = Application.SymbolLibraries.Count
iSymbolLibIndex = 1
For iSymbolLibIndex = 1 To iMaxSymbolLib
With Application.SymbolLibraries(iSymbolLibIndex)
Set colFolderItems = .FolderItems
'To determine the number of folders in actual symbollibrary:
iMaxFolder = .FolderItems.Count
MsgBox "Number of FolderItems in " & .Name & " : " & iMaxFolder
'Output of all subfoldernames from actual folder:
For Each objFolderItem In colFolderItems
iSubFolderIndex = 1
For iSubFolderIndex = 1 To iMaxFolder
strFolderItemName = objFolderItem.DisplayName
If 0 <> objFolderItem.Folder.Count Then
strSubFolderName = objFolderItem.Folder(iSubFolderIndex).DisplayName
iAnswer = MsgBox("SymbolLibrary: " & .Name & vbCrLf & "act. Folder: " &
strFolderItemName & vbCrLf & "act. Subfolder: " & strSubFolderName, vbOKCancel)
'If "Cancel" is clicked, continued with next FolderItem
If vbCancel = iAnswer Then
Exit For
End If
MsgBox "There are no subfolders in " & objFolderItem.DisplayName
Exit For
End If
Next iSubFolderIndex
Next objFolderItem
VBA for Automated Configuration
4.4 The object model of the Graphics Designer
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,