AlarmHigh Property
Defines the top limit value at which an alarm should be triggered or returned.
The type of the evaluation (in percent or absolute) is defined in the "TypeAlarmHigh" property.
The "CheckAlarmHigh" property defines whether the monitoring function for the limit value is
The "BarGraphLimitConfiguration()" procedure configures the properties of the high limit value
an alarm. In this example the type of evaluation will be set to "Absolute". The alarm will be
triggered at a value of "50".
Sub BarGraphLimitConfiguration()
Dim objBarGraph As HMIBarGraph
'Add new BarGraph to active document:
Set objBarGraph = ActiveDocument.HMIObjects.AddHMIObject("Bar1", "HMIBarGraph")
With objBarGraph
'Set analysis to absolut
.TypeAlarmHigh = False
'Activate monitoring
.CheckAlarmHigh = True
'Set barcolor to "yellow"
.ColorAlarmHigh = RGB(255, 255, 0)
'set upper limit to "50"
.AlarmHigh = 50
End With
End Sub
See also
TypeAlarmHigh Property (Page 2316)
ColorAlarmHigh Property (Page 2066)
CheckAlarmHigh Property (Page 2055)
BarGraph Object (Page 1819)
AlarmLow Property
Defines the bottom limit value at which an alarm should be triggered or returned.
The type of the evaluation (in percent or absolute) is defined in the "TypeAlarmLow" property.
VBA for Automated Configuration
4.4 The object model of the Graphics Designer
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,