This report was jointly developed by the Korea Development Institute (KDI) and
the Knowledge Development (K4D) Program of the World Bank Institute (WBI). It
was funded mainly by the World Bank Trust Fund for the Korea Knowledge Part-
nership Program on Sharing Knowledge for Development, sponsored by the
Korean Ministry of Planning and Budget. The team of Korean authors was headed
by Dr. Joonghae Suh (KDI) and consists of Dr. Cheonsik Woo, Dr. Siwook Lee, Dr.
Wonhyuk Lim, and Dr. Moon Joong Tcha of KDI; Dr. Dong-pyo Hong and Dr. Sang-
won Ko of the Korea Information Strategy Development Institute (KISDI); Profes-
sor Anna Kim of Ewha Womans University; Dr. Byung-Shik Rhee of the Korea
Educational Development Institute (KEDI); and Dr. Sungchul Chung of the Science
and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI). The K4D team for the report was headed
by Dr. Derek H. C. Chen and includes Dr. Jean-Eric Aubert, Mr. Alexey Volynets,
and Mr. Do-Geol Ahn.
Dr. Carl Dahlman, former K4D Program Manager at WBI and currently profes-
sor at Georgetown University, initiated the project and Dr. Hong-taek Chun, former
Vice President of KDI, supported the initiative by arranging for additional
resources. Mr. Il Whan An, who had served as a Senior Public Policy Specialist at
WBI as a secondee from the Korean Ministry of Planning and Budget, made sub-
stantial contributions including valuable comments and suggestions, in addition to
undertaking extensive coordination between K4D and KDI.
In addition to the authors, many other Korean scholars contributed to this
report. Among them, we would like to thank Professor Inho Lee at Seoul National
University for his brief note on Korea’s venture business policy and Professor Joon-
Mo Yang at Yonsei University on Korea’s industrial policy. Dr. Yong-Kook Joo and
Dr. Young-Sun Ra at Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Train-
ing provided data and materials on Korea’s lifelong education. Dr. Young-Sub
Kwon at Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements kindly provided figure
7.8 of the report.
Earlier drafts of the report were reviewed by several outside readers. Valuable
comments were received from two external reviewers, Professor Michael Hobday
and Dr. Dieter Ernst, and from participants in knowledge economy workshops held
in Korea (Seoul), Russia (Mosow), and Chile (Santiago).
We are grateful to Ms. Suyeon Jeon at KDI for her able research assistance, to Ms.
Eun-Hee Jeong and Mr. Jin Park at KDI School for their administrative assistance