line(s) in space
normal, 954
parametric equations of, 831
skew, 833
symmetric equations of, 831
tangent, 860
vector equation of, 830, 831
line integral, 1070
with respect to arc length, 1073
Fundamental Theorem for, 1082
for a plane curve, 1070
for a space curve, 1075
of vector fields, 1077, 1078
work defined as, 1077
liquid force, 575, 576
Lissajous figure, 665
lithotripsy, 694
local maximum and minimum
values, 205, 959
logarithm(s), 34, 405, 421*, 438*
laws of, 405, 422*
natural, 406, 421*
notation for, 405, 443*
logarithmic differentiation, 417, 428*
logarithmic function(s), 34, 405,
421*, 442*
with base , 405
derivatives of, 412, 422*, 443*
graphs of, 405, 408, 424*,
442*, 443*
integration of, 417, 428*
limits of, 406, 408, 424*
properties of, 405, 422*
logistic difference equation, 723
logistic differential equation, 604, 628
logistic model, 636
logistic sequence, 723
LORAN system, 697
Lotka-Volterra equations, 645
machine diagram of a function, 12
Maclaurin, Colin, 772
Maclaurin series, 770, 772
table of, 779
magnitude of a vector, 809
major axis of ellipse, 693
marginal cost function, 118, 178, 261
marginal profit function, 262
marginal productivity, 923
marginal propensity to consume or save, 731
marginal revenue function, 261
of a lamina, 1016
of a solid, 1032
of a surface, 1119
of a wire, 1072
mass, center of. See center of mass
mathematical induction, 731
principle of, 55, 58, A36
mathematical model, 14, 24
Cobb-Douglas, for production
costs, 893, 923, 976
for vibration of membrane,
maximum and minimum values, 205,
958, 959
mean life of an atom, 553
mean of a probability density
function, 593
Mean Value Theorem, 214, 216
for double integrals, 1059
for integrals, 375
mean waiting time, 593
median of a probability density
function, 594
method of cylindrical shells, 365
method of exhaustion, 3, 80
method of Lagrange multipliers, 970,
971, 974
method of least squares, 27, 968
method of undetermined
coefficients, 1154, 1158
midpoint formula, A16
Midpoint Rule, 306, 532
for double integrals, 991
error in using, 533
for triple integrals, 1034
mixing problems, 620
Möbius, August, 1121
Möbius strip, 1115, 1121
modeling, mathematical
with differential equations, 603
motion of a spring, 604
population growth, 396, 603, 627,
633, 636, 652
vibration of membrane, 760
model(s), mathematical, 24
comparison of natural growth vs.
logistic, 632
empirical, 25
exponential, 33
Gompertz function, 636
linear, 24
logarithmic, 34
polynomial, 28
power function, 29
predator-prey, 182, 645
rational function, 31
seasonal growth, 636
trigonometric, 32, 33
von Bertalanffy, 652
modulus, A47
about an axis, 579, 1017
of inertia, 1019, 1032, 1081
of a lamina, 579, 1017
of a mass, 579
about a plane, 1032
polar, 1019
second, 1019
of a solid, 1031
of a system of particles, 579
momentum of an object, 637
monkey saddle, 904
monotonic sequence, 717
Monotonic Sequence Theorem, 719
motion in space, 874
motion of a spring, force affecting
restoring, 1161
damping, 1162
resonance, 1165
movie theater seating, 463
multiple integrals. See double integral;
triple integral
multiplication, scalar, of vectors, 807, 809
multiplication of power series, 781
multiplier (Lagrange), 970, 971, 974
multiplier effect, 731
natural exponential function, 398, 400, 430*
derivatives of, 398, 433*, 434*
graph of, 399, 432*
power series for, 772
properties of, 400, 432*
natural growth law, 447, 627
natural logarithm function, 406, 421*
derivatives of, 413, 424*, 427*
limits of, 408, 424*
properties of, 405, 422*
-dimensional vector, 810
negative angle, A25
net area, 301
Net Change Theorem, 327
net investment flow, 590
newton (unit of force), 370
Newton, Sir Isaac, 4, 9, 80, 123, 313,
332, 784, 880, 884
Newton’s Law of Cooling, 450
Newton’s Law of Gravitation, 180, 374,
880, 1066
Newton’s method, 269
Newton’s Second Law of Motion, 370, 876,
880, 1161
Nicomedes, 662
nondifferentiable function, 128
nonhomogeneous differential
equation, 1147, 1153
nonparallel planes, 835