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Copyright by PNO 1997 - all rights reserved
GetOD ( reading an object description )
This service is used to read a single or several object descriptions out of the
Object Dictionary (OD). Thus the index or the name of the desired object de-
scription shall be given in the GetOD service or the option to read all of the
object descriptions may be selected.
InitiatePutOD ( opening the download of the OD )
A client uses this service to indicate to the server that it intends to deliver
object descriptions.
PutOD ( loading an object description )
The client uses the PutOD service to deliver object descriptions to the server.
The object descriptions are loaded into the server's Object Dictionary.
TerminatePutOD ( termination of the downloading of the OD )
The client uses this service to indicate to the server that the delivery of the
object descriptions is complete.
InitiateDownloadSequence ( opening a download sequence )
With this service a blockwise transmission of data (parameters, program code,
...) from the "client" into a domain of the "server" is announced.
The PROFIBUS Specification requires the domain to be defined in the Object Dic-
tionary before a download can be performed. Special attributes of the domain are
also stored in the OD and are not set with the InitiateDownloadSequence service.
DownloadSegment ( transmitting a download data block )
The "server" uses this service to fetch a block of data from the "client". The
"client" transmits the data and an additional notification as to whether further
data is ready to be transmitted. The maximal block length is determined by the
length of user data in a PROFIBUS frame.
TerminateDownloadSequence ( terminating a download sequence )
With this service the "server" communicates that the blockwise transmission of
data in its domain is complete. In addition the "server" indicates if the trans-
mission has been successfully completed.
RequestDomainDownload ( requesting a download )
With this service the "server" requests its "client" to perform a download. The
request of the "server" may contain the optional information from which file of
the "client" the data shall be read. The answer (acknowledgement) to that re-
quest is transmitted only after completion of the download.
InitiateUploadSequence ( opening an upload sequence )
With this service the client opens the blockwise transmission of data (parame-
ters, program code, ...) out of a domain of the server.
UploadSegment ( transmitting an upload data block )
With this service the client fetches a block of data out of a domain of the
server. The server transmits the data and an additional notification as to
whether further data is ready to be transmitted. The maximal block length is de-
termined by the length of user data in a PROFIBUS frame.
TerminateUploadSequence ( terminating an upload sequence )
With this service the client communicates that the blockwise transmission of
data from the server to the client is complete.
RequestDomainUpload ( requesting an upload )
With this service the "server" requests its "client" to perform an Upload. The
request of the "server" may contain the optional information as to which file of
the "client" the upload data shall be written. The answer (acknowledgement) to
this request is not transmitted before the Download has been completed.