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In order to manage the security sequence, the initiator shall carry a FCB for
each responder. When an action frame (request or send/request frame) is trans-
mitted to a responder for the first time or again to a responder currently
marked as "non operational", the associated FCB shall be set definitely. The
initiator achieves this by an action frame with FCV=0 and FCB=1. The responder
shall classify such a frame as first message cycle and store FCB=1 together with
the initiator's address (SA and optional SAE[b7=1]) (see table 3b). This message
cycle is not repeated by the initiator.
If a responder supports the Region/Segment addressing and the request frame con-
tains a source Region/Segment address (SAE[b7=]) which is unequal to the own
Region/Segment address (DAE[b7=1]), then the responder shall store the SAE[b7=1]
together with the SA.
In the following action frames to the same responder the initiator shall set
FCV=1 and toggle FCB with each new action frame. The responder shall evaluate
FCB when receiving an action frame addressed to itself with FCV=1. A FCB changed
in comparison with the same initiator's (same SA and optional same SAE[b7=1])
preceding action frame is considered as confirmation of the preceding message
cycle's correct completion. If the action frame originates from a different
initiator (different SA or optionaldifferent SAE[b7=1]), there is no evaluation
of the FCB. In both cases the responder shall store the FCB with the source ad-
dress (SA and optional SAE[b7=1]) until it receives a new frame addressed to it-
If an acknowledgement or response frame is missing or corrupted, the FCB shall
not be changed by the initiator in the retry; this indicates the faulty preced-
ing message cycle. If a responder receives an action frame with FCV=1 and the
same FCB as in the same initiator's (same SA and optional same SAE[b7=1]) imme-
diately preceding action frame, a retry is being carried out. As a result the
responder shall again transmit the acknowledgement or response frame kept in
The responder shall keep ready the preceding acknowledgement or response frame
for a potential retry, until it gets the above mentioned confirmation, or until
it receives a Hd4-faultless frame with changed address (SA or DA or optional
SAE[b7=1] or DAE[b7=1]), or a Send Data with No Acknowledge (SDN), or a token
For "Send Data with No Acknowledge", "Request FDL Status", "Request Ident" and
"Request LSAP Status", FCV and FCB are = 0; the responder does not analyze FCB.