1025 Objects and Add-Ins
Names in Excel—From the Help Files
A defi ned name in a formula can make it easier to understand
the purpose of the formula. For example, the formula =SUM
(FirstQuarterSales) might be easier to identify than =SUM(C20:
Names are available to any sheet. For example, if the name Pro-
jectedSales refers to the range A20 : A30 on the fi rst worksheet in a
workbook, you can use the name ProjectedSales on any other sheet
in the same workbook to refer to range A20 : A30 on the fi rst
Names can also be used to represent formulas or values that do not
change (constants). For example, you can use the name SalesTax to rep-
resent the sales tax amount (such as 6.2 percent) applied to sales
You can also link to a defi ned name in another workbook, or defi ne a
name that refers to cells in another workbook. For example, the formula
=SUM(Sales.xls!ProjectedSales) refers to the named range
ProjectedSales in the workbook named Sales.
Note By default, names use absolute cell references. (Absolute cell
reference: In a formula, the exact address of a cell, regardless of the
position of the cell that contains the formula. An absolute cell reference
takes the form $A$1.)
Guidelines for Names
What characters are allowed? The fi rst character of a name must be a
letter, an underscore character (_), or a backslash (\). Remaining char-
acters in the name can be letters, numbers, periods, and underscore
Can names be cell references? Names cannot be the same as a cell
reference, such as Z$100 or R1C1.
Can more than one word be used? Yes, but spaces are not allowed.
Underscore characters and periods may be used as word separators—for
example, Sales_Tax or First.Quarter.
How many characters can be used? A name can contain up to 255