Biotech company establishment (cont.)
Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), 62–63
vesting schedules and strike price/issue
price, 62
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
Clinical Advisory Board and, 69–70
compensation, 69
functions, 67–68
meetings, 69
stock options, 69
technology inventors, 68
virtual company, 70
Biotech entrepreneur
biotech personnel, 192
business strategy, 241
category functions, 182–184
commercialization, 10
different breed, 9–10
diversity, 185–186
employee benefits, 184
creativity and change, 25
good business sense, 19
influence circle, 24
knowledge and wisdom, 21–22
leadership and core values, 25
multi-disciplined translator, 19–20
negotiator, 24
new skill learning, 18–19
passion and vision, 17
persistence, 22–23
responsibility, deep sense, 23–24
strengths and weaknesses, 17–18
trickier problem, 21
venture capitalists, 21
first time entrepreneur
additional business skills, 15–16
alternatives, 14–15
life-long learner, 16–17
young MBA student/graduate, 16
four backgrounds
communication, scientists, 13–14
things vs. people, 12–13
hiring process
ability-to-execute, 187
decision making, 191
informal meetings, 190
interview process, 189
personnel recruitment, 190
presentation skills, 188–189
relevant experience, 186
shared core values, 187–188
work behavior assessment profile, 190
key employee compensation, 184–185
management skills, 192
medical changes, 242
organizing the environment, 244–245
personal costs, 11–12
product development process, 10
project management software utilization,
employee assistance, 237
entrepreneur leaving company, 237
honesty and transparency, 236–237
market approach, 234
responsibilities, 236
time sequence to, 234–236
regulatory and market risks, 10
renting and leasing space, 180–181
separation agreement, 194
termination, 193
virtual company, 179–180
Biotech Evaluation Tool
financing suitability, 51–52
management leadership, capability, and
past success, 50
market demand, positioning, and entry
barrier, 51
regulatory hurdles, 51
technology robustness, applicability, and
scientific team, 50–51
Biotechnology business
airline industry, 7
decentralization, 5, 6
five elements, establishment, 4, 5
genomics, 3
human proteins, cell culture fermentation, 3
models, 44–45
Oklahoma Center for Advancement of
Science and Technology (OCAST), 5
Biotech product
regulatory process
accelerated development review,
acronyms, 206–207
drugs and biologics, regulation,
Food and Drug Administration,
IND treatment, 215–216
informed consent, 208–209
IRB and, 208
medical devices, 216–220
parallel track, 215
Technology Adoption Curve, 115–116
Business Judgment Rule, 65