2.4.7 Phase stability diagrams (predominance area diagrams)
Another extremely useful set of diagrams representing the stabilities of pure
phases is the phase stability diagram or predominance area diagrams. These are
generally isothermal diagrams wherein the chemical p otential of one component
in a ternary system is plotted as a function of another. These diagrams have been
found useful in the case of M-S-O system, where M is a metal like Cu, Ni, Fe or
Pb (occurring as sulphide). A typical such diagram used for studying the roasting
of nickel sulphide is presented in Fig. 2.12. The usefulness of the diagram is well
demonstrated in the case of mixed sulphides, where it is possible to superimpose
two stability diagrams.
2.5 Thermodynamics of solutions
The concept of pure substances is mainly of theoretical interest. In reality, the
systems that are encountered are often multicomponent systems when the
components dissolve in each other forming solutions. Even the so-called ultra
pure substances have dissolved impurities, albeit in extremely small amounts.
Thus, it is an important part of thermodynamics to deal with solutions.
The concept of solution is essentially two components forming a single phase
in the macroscopic sense. In the micro level, this refers to an intimate mixing of
atoms or molecules. The process of solution is often referred to as `mixing',
which is somewhat misleading. Gases `mix' completely. In liquid phase, there
are many cases whe re two liquids do not mix with each other, as, for example,
oil and water at room temperature or silver and iron at 1600 ëC. In the case of
solids, those of similar crys tal structure often form `mixed crystals' or solid
solutions, which are of single phase, as can be seen by X-ray diffraction
2.5.1 Integral and partial molar properties
In dealing with extensive thermodynamic properties like enthalpy, entropy or
Gibbs energy, it is common to refer to one mole of the substance. Exemplifying
this in the case of Gibbs energy, ëG
refers to one mole of substance `A' in pure
state. On the other hand, in a solution containing `i' different species, the molar
Gibbs energy, G
is given by
. . . n
) (2.49)
where the `n' terms refer to the number of moles of the different species in
solution and G
is the integral molar Gibbs energy of the solution. If the
increment in G, caused by the addition of dn
moles of component A to a very
large amo unt of the solution is dG, this increment per mole of A, denoted as
will be
Thermodynamic aspects of metals processing 57