leachate must corrode the boundary phase, but its amount may not be enough in
the case of silicon. Hence, the addition of an acid soluble element which forms
intermetallic compounds or eutectic microstructure with silicon might be
effective. One of the promising elements to form such phases is calcium as
shown in the following paragraph.
Recently, a new mass produc tion process of solar grade silicon has been
developed in order to solve the rapidly increasing demand of solar cells.
Metallurgical grade silicon (>98%) is selected as a starting material and the final
purity of solar grade silicon should be higher th an 6N through some
metallurgical refining treatments. Among others, iron is one of the most
harmful elements for the solar grade silicon since it shortens the lifetime and
drastically lowers the efficiency of solar cells. As mentioned previously,
however, iron is less favourable to be oxidized than silicon, and oxidation
refining is not suitable as well as vacuum refining for high vapour pressure
species. Hence, the only effective way is solidification refining using a
segregation coefficient as low as 10
However, another pretreatment at the
stage of met allurgical grade silicon may be helpful for reducing the
solidification refining cost. Accordingly, iron removal from metallurgical grade
silicon by acid leaching was investigated.
Figure 3.27 shows the experimental
results in which Si-Ca-Fe alloys with various compositions were subjected to
acid leaching procedure using aqua regia. Calcium was added to form an acid
soluble grain boundary. As seen in the figure, there seems to be an optimum
ratio of calcium to iron content. Optical images of Si-Ca-Fe alloys of two
different compositions before and after acid leaching are shown in Figs 3.28(a),
(c) and 3.29(a), (c). The sample shown in Figs 3.28(a), (b) and (c) has higher
calcium to iron ratio and calcium silicide, CaSi
, seems to have precipitated as a
secondary phase during cool ing, after silicon precipitated as a primary phase.
Iron silicide phase, FeSi
, was considered to exist as a part of the microstructure
3.27 The relationship between ratio of calcium to iron content and removal
ratio of iron.
104 Fundamentals of metallurgy