We may even infer the performance of dramas. In an inscription
from Magnesia-on-the-Maiander (147) of the beginning of the second
certain mustai, male and female, have the title ‘nurse of
Dionysos’ or ‘nurse’, suggesting either the performance of a drama
about the infancy of the god or at least dressing in costumes of the
Nymphs or Silens who were his nurses. The especially detailed
Athenian inscription (of the third quarter of the second century
an all-male association calling itself the Iobakchoi (4) records – along
with rules for admission and for discipline at feasts – the requirement
‘with all good order and calm to speak and perform the parts
(merismous) under the direction of the archibakchos’. Further, the
archibakchos is to perform a sacrifice and libation on the tenth day of
the month Elaphebolion (the first day of the City Dionysia, at which
drama was performed), and after the dividing up of the victim, the
priest, the deputy priest, the archibakchos, the treasurer, the bouko-
likos, Dionysos, Kore¯ , Palaemon, Aphrodite, and Pro¯ teurythmos are
each to take (their piece of meat). The remains have survived of
the building in which this association met, as have also the walls
(once decorated with Dionysiac paintings), benches, and altars of
the Dionysiac association of ‘cowherds’ (boukoloi) at Pergamon. At
Smyrna we hear, in several inscriptions of the first and second cen-
, of an association that is in one of them called ‘the assembly
of technitai (i.e. actors) and mustai around Dionysos Breiseus’ (121).
A few other inscriptions also seem to indicate the impersonation
of satyrs and silens, as do numerous visual representations (such as
the Villa of the Mysteries frieze). For instance, an initiate honoured by
an inscription (113) from Philadelphia in Lydia (second century
represented as a dancing satyr. The urban associations adopt rural
symbolism. We hear of stibades (couches made of vegetation) and
caves. A common title found in the inscriptions is boukolos, cowherd.
It has been maintained that these associations did not possess
the kind of serious religious feeling that we find in Dionysiac cult
of an earlier age, even that the main point was a rural outing for
town-dwellers. Such celebrations may well have been more important
to the group than was the creation of new members by initiation.
But the cult may have had more emotional intensity than appears:
the inscriptions, after all, have limited purposes (good order within