the initiand with covered head, and the liknon containing the veiled
phallus) that do not form a complete or detailed scene of initiation but
do nevertheless evoke the mystic ritual process by which Dionysiac
well-being in the next world is obtained.
It may be difficult to determine, in a Dionysiac work of art, the
extent to which the images cohere by evoking the next world indicated
in mystic initiation. For instance, a mosaic in a villa discovered in
Cologne, of the early third century
, represents Dionysos, satyrs,
maenads, a shepherd, Pan, eroticism, music and dance, shells, a fig-
tree, likna, fruit, drinking vessels, grapes, a panther, a lion, an ass, a
goat, a fox, baskets of fruit, flowers, doves, ducks, parrots, guinea-fowl,
and peacocks. It is possible to see most of these images as appropriate
decoration for a dining room. But it has also been argued that every-
thing in the mosaic has a specific meaning in a Dionysiac context,
in particular as evoking something of the happy hereafter created
by Dionysiac mystic ritual. Even the parrot, for example, is depicted
elsewhere frequently along with grapes (for instance in a funerary
chamber), and in a room (unearthed in Pergamon) that may have been
sacred to Dionysos. The parrot had been brought from India, from
which Dionysos returned in triumph, and was carried in the Dionysiac
procession of Ptolemy II Philadelphus. It was Dionysiac in its taste
for wine and its fascination with its own image in a mirror (compare
Chapter 8). And its apparent capacity for human speech transcends
the boundary between human and animal, and so makes it one of the
creatures attracted by the singing of Orpheus.
The same possibility – that apparently decorative details may in fact
be given coherence by their association with Dionysiac mystery-cult
– attaches to the narrative Daphnis and Chloe by Longus, roughly
contemporary with the Cologne mosaic. It narrates the developing love
of two foundlings brought up by shepherds on the island of Lesbos.
It has been argued, somewhat controversially, that the narrative
corresponds in detail to the mystery-cult of the god. And so for
instance the suckling (at the beginning of the story) of Daphnis by a
goat and of Chloe by a sheep, and (at the end) of their son by a goat
and of their daughter by a sheep, may derive from, and evoke, an
element of mystic initiation. The infant Dionysos was suckled by a
goat, and in one version by a maenad named ‘goat’ (Eriphe). On a tomb