xxxiv List of Figures
3.12 Protein-structure variants ..................... 96
3.13 Gauche and trans orientations ................... 97
3.14 Dihedral angle ........................... 98
3.15 Rotations in polypeptides ..................... 99
3.16 Lysine rotamers .......................... 99
3.17 Amino acids rotamers ....................... 100
3.18 Ramachandran plots ........................ 101
3.19 Further study of Ramachandran plots ............... 102
4.1 The α-helix and β-sheet motifs .................. 107
4.2 α-helical proteins (a) ....................... 108
4.3 α-helical proteins (b) ....................... 109
4.4 β-helical proteins (a) ....................... 111
4.5 β-helical proteins (b) ....................... 112
4.6 α/β proteins ............................ 120
4.7 α + β proteins ........................... 121
4.8 Multi-domain proteins ...................... 122
4.9 Membrane and cell surface proteins ............... 123
4.10 Other proteins ........................... 124
4.11 Tomato bushy stunt virus ..................... 125
5.1 The DNA double helix ...................... 136
5.2 Nucleic acid components ..................... 137
5.3 Watson-Crick base pairing .................... 138
5.4 The polynucleotide chain and labeling .............. 139
5.5 Sugar envelope and twist puckers ................. 143
5.6 Sugar pseudorotation cycle .................... 144
5.7 Common sugar puckers ...................... 145
5.8 Sugar pucker clustering ...................... 146
5.9 Torsion angle wheel ........................
5.10 Deoxyadenosine adiabatic map .................. 149
5.11 Base-pair coordinate system ................... 153
5.12 Base-pair step and base pair parameters ............. 155
5.13 Model A, B, and Z-DNA ..................... 158
5.14 Model A, B, and Z-DNA, stereo side ............... 159
5.15 Model A, B, and Z-DNA, stereo top ............... 160
6.1 Bending in long DNA ....................... 171
6.2 Net DNA bending examples ................... 172
6.3 A-tract DNA dodecamer ..................... 173
6.4 Sequence-dependent local DNA hydration ............ 179
6.5 DNA/protein binding motifs ................... 183
6.6 Interwound and toroidal supercoiling ............... 184
6.7 Schematic view of DNA levels of folding ............ 187
6.8 Nucleosome core particle ..................... 189