Contents xxix
12.3.3 Odeh/Evans Method .................. 404
12.3.4 Box/Muller/Marsaglia Method ............ 405
12.4 Means for Monte Carlo Sampling ............... 406
12.4.1 Expected Values .................... 406
12.4.2 Error Bars ....................... 409
12.4.3 Batch Means ...................... 410
12.5 Monte Carlo Sampling ..................... 411
12.5.1 Density Function ................... 411
12.5.2 Dynamic and Equilibrium MC: Ergodicity,
DetailedBalance ................... 411
12.5.3 Statistical Ensembles ................. 412
12.5.4 Importance Sampling: Metropolis Algorithm
andMarkovChains.................. 413
12.6 Monte Carlo Applications to Molecular Systems ....... 418
12.6.1 Ease of Application .................. 418
12.6.2 Biased MC ...................... 419
12.6.3 Hybrid MC ...................... 420
12.6.4 Parallel Tempering and Other MC Variants ...... 421
13 Molecular Dynamics: Basics 425
13.1 Introduction: Statistical Mechanics by Numbers ....... 426
13.1.1 Why Molecular Dynamics? .............. 426
13.1.2 Background ...................... 427
13.1.3 Outline of MD Chapters ................ 428
13.2 Laplace’s Vision of Newtonian Mechanics .......... 429
13.2.1 The Dream Becomes Reality ............. 429
13.2.2 Deterministic Mechanics ............... 432
13.2.3 Neglect of Electronic Motion ............. 432
13.2.4 Critical Frequencies .................. 433
13.2.5 Hybrid Quantum/Classical Mechanics Treatments .. 435
13.3 The Basics: An Overview ................... 435
13.3.1 Following the Equations of Motion .......... 435
13.3.2 Perspective on MD Trajectories ............ 436
13.3.3 Initial System Settings ................ 437
13.3.4 Sensitivity to Initial Conditions and
OtherComputationalChoices............. 440
13.3.5 Simulation Protocol .................. 442
13.3.6 High-Speed Implementations ............. 443
13.3.7 Analysis and Visualization .............. 445
13.3.8 Reliable Numerical Integration ............ 445
13.3.9 Computational Complexity .............. 446
13.4 The Verlet Algorithm ..................... 448
13.4.1 Position and Velocity Propagation .......... 449
13.4.2 Leapfrog, Velocity Verlet, and Position Verlet .... 451
13.5 Constrained Dynamics ..................... 453