[15:28 13/3/03 n:/3991 RUSSELL.751/3991-003.3d] Ref: 3991 Whisky Chapter 3 Page: 97 74-113
pumping it through a series of precooking tubes (to gelatinize the starch) and
it is then passed through cooking tubes at up to 1308C. After about five min-
utes in the cooker the cooked slurry is discharged into a flash cooler, and is
cooled to about 688C prior to mixing with malt and pumping to a set of
conversion tubes. Wilkin (1983) gives an example of the layout of a continuous
cooking process.
Continuous cooking has the advantage that cooking time is relatively short,
which allows the starch to be gelatinized thoroughly while minimizing the
amount of thermal degradation. This reduces the amount of caramelization of
the starch through browning reactions. However, because of the reduced pro-
cessing time the slurry may not be exposed to the high temperature for suffi-
cient time to ensure that the starch is properly cooked. It is also possible that
the cooked slurry will no t be sterile, which could lead to problems with infec-
tion later in the process. The continuous cookin g process has the additional
disadvantages that it is constrained by the capacity of the fermentation pro-
cess, which is a batch process, and is particularly vulnerable to interruptions in
the process resulting from downstream process problems.
Overall, the cooking process represents a delicate balance between the gela-
tinization and release of starch and its thermal degradation into undesirable
products. If the temperature is too low some starch granules will remain intact
and the starch will not be fully gelatinized, resulting in lost alcohol yield. On
the other hand if the temperature is too high or the starch is cooked for too
long a period, browning (or Maillard) reactions will take place. These reactions
remove amino acids, proteins and sugars from the degrading starch, which
can result in loss of alcohol yield.
Maillard or browning reactions are a highly complex series of reactions that
take place between sugars and amino acids or proteins and result in a range of
dark pigmented products (Adrian et al., 1998). These reactions have been
extensively reviewed in the literature (Hough et al., 1982; O’Brien, 1998), and
there is no attempt to cover this topic in any detail in this work. However,
Figure 3.4 gives an idea of the complexity of the processes involved.
Mlotkiewicz (1998) describes the main stages in Maillard reactions. Initially,
reducing sugars combine with amino acids to form products (Amadori or
Heynes rearrangement products) that are in turn degraded, through a com-
plex series of reactions, into a large number of flavour intermediates and other
flavour active compounds. One of the key routes is Strecker degradation,
where amino acids also react with dicarbonyl compounds called reductones
to form products that are also ultimately converted into brown-pigmented
polymeric materials. The final products of Maillard reactions are a mixture
of low molecular weight colour compounds containing two to four linked
rings, and melanoidins, which have much higher molecular weights. A large
number of other flavour and aroma active products, such as furans, pyrroles
and cyclic sulphur compounds, are also produced. The develo pment of
Maillard products is enhanced by increasing temperature, heating time and
pH (particularly above pH 7).
The occurrence of Maillard reactions during cooking is important because
they result in the uptake and degradation of both fermentable carbohydrate
Chapter 3 Grain whisky: raw materials and processing 97