[16:26 13/3/03 n:/3991 RUSSELL.751/3991-010.3d] Ref: 3991 Whisky Chapter 010 Page: 341 308-349
Advertising consists of paid-for messages by an identified party using a wide
array of media to reach the target audience. The purposes of advertising are
manifold, but can usually be bro ken down into two underlying objectives: to
convey awareness of the product and to establish a clear image of it in the
minds of the target audience. In other words, ad vertising plays a dual role:
informing consumers and getting the brand more ‘top of mind’, and develop-
ing an image of the product. Advertising very often plays a critical role in
establishing a brand’s equity. It can be particularly effective when a brand is
differentiated from its competitors on dimensions that are important to con-
sumers. Consistently advertising a brand’s position also serves as a barrier to
competitive entry.
The company’s approach to planning any communications will be guided
by the brand positioning statement and a definition of who is being targeted.
Developing this statement will of course depend on a discussion on consumer
insights, these being the foundation for effective advertising. What consumers
believe about a brand and the category is one important element of the con-
sumer’s beliefs; the other is how consumers use advertising information to
make brand decisions. With effective consumer insights leading to a clear
statement of the brand positioning strategy, the marketer can commence
developing communication objectives. Leading up to this phase there will
usually be some market research carried out to reveal consumer insights –
usually using focus groups, in-depth interviews and surveys. These lay the
foundations for designing creative and media strategies. The company also
has commercial goals for the brand in terms of targets for recruitment of new
users, on top of the important job of retaining the brand’s existing consumer
franchise. With a clear idea of what needs to be communicated, to whom, and
with what intensity, an agency can be given a detailed brief and can start the
process of recommending a communications strategy to fit the overall brand
objectives. At this stage, close cooperation is often needed between all the
actors involved in the nascent marketing campaign. The company marketing
team, advertising agency and research company team all need to be put to
work in a coordinated manner to plan and execute the development of the
communications campaign.
The alcoholic drinks industry spends relatively large amounts on advertis-
ing. This is not necessarily the case for Scotch whisky, wh ere absolute levels of
expenditure have not generally been high and relative amounts have not been
great when compared with expenditure on other drinks categories. With few
exceptions, drinks advertisers use the media in order to provide messages to
consumers about their brands in order to sustain and grow their share of the
market. The motive can often be defensive, particularly for brands that are in
leadership positions and where co nsumers need constant reminding of their
benefits. Advertising may also be playing a role in the drinks industry in
promoting the much talked about trend of consuming ‘less but better’.
Whatever the case, much emphasi s is placed on developing strong brands
and on creating the foundations for a product’s unique image.
Chapter 10 Marketing Scotch whisky 341